Parscale Out, Bill Stepien In

Trump campaign has already burned three times as much bread on ads and social media before July as Mitch McConnell will spend on every Senate race combined and he’s down fifteen nationally. Campaigning isn’t going to change anything without concrete action.


Did Trump not read how his Tulsa rally was actually great because of the people who watched online?


Roger Stone has plenty of free time.

Parscale was running his campaign into the ground.

Trump is running the country into the ground. Any Trump campaign manager will have the task of selling a flaming Hindenburg as some sort of success. It’s a heavy lift.

America is realizing it want a return to when it was once great, and comprehending that that was just 4 short years ago.

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Oh no! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Guess it’s over now. Again.

trump in a landslide btw.

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Kuschner told Parscale.
Limpy Trump didn’t have the cajones.


As much as I hate to defend this guy, since I’ve been pointing out he was unqualified for the job back when everyone was either shaking in their boots or euphoric about what a digital genius he was, the fact is you could bring back 2004 era Karl Rove to run this campaign and it wouldn’t be much help.

The only thing that’s going to move Trump’s numbers in a serious way is governance, not campaigning.


That’s probably only happened a handful of times in our political history. Lincoln needing a big battlefield victory to get re-elected is the only one that springs to mind.

To this day, this tweet.


Seriously? Jared?


pew pew pew


His little minions try to act like Trump. It’s hilarious.

Aw man. You beat me to it.

There is a certain irony to the fact that what everyone thought was Biden’s biggest weakness is in fact his biggest strength: he’s a bland old moderate white dude who’s been around forever and everyone basically likes him.

Trump’s punches just don’t land on him. There’s no way to other him or demonize him effectively. Can’t call him a socialist with a straight face. The nickname doesn’t work. It’s crazy really.


two days ago apparently he still had the full confidence of the president.

according to a certain campaign advisor…

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Peter Alexander was just on MSNBC saying that his WH contact told him that Kuschner has been running the campaign from day one. And that Parscale took the bullet that should have been aimed at Jared.
Makes sense. As far as I can tell Jared has failed at just about everything he has been involved in.
We shall see if he will continue running this campaign into the ground.


“Just about” everything? Is there something, anything at
all where Kushner has demonstrated success during the last 3 1/2 years?


He’s successfully done nothing of note