Over 3/4 of democrats supports

Illegals ARE criminals.

By very definition.

Funny how leftist ignore this fact.


Prison and fines.
SS verification is very easy to fake. Photo ID verification is needed. National ID that is also required too vote solve two problems at once

Fines alone are pointless

There are a ton of parallel similarities between today’s illegal immigration and slavery of 200 years ago – especially from the business aspect. Even Southerners (many of them) recognized slavery as their “peculiar institution” and knew the moral violations that slavery propagated. But they also knew the perils to industry that stopping it would wreak. We only need to look at the writings of Thomas Jefferson to see that fine-line. He knew he had to free his slaves, but never could overcome the financial ruin that doing so would cause. Politicians talked about the ills of slavery for a long time before the 13th Amendment. But society couldn’t figure out how to wean their economy from the practice.

We’ve already seen various industries speak out about the financial pain that mass deportations would cause them. I see the parallels.

Why? Would it satisfy your revenge fetish?

Are you American?

Are you saying businesses get to use illegal immigrants and when they are discovered deport the illegal and let the business off?

That question is being discussed in other threads.

This thread is about Dems not even wanting to deport the illegals who get apprehended for raping or pedophilia.

Seems to me that there’s already a lot of grease that floats to the top of the barrel of illegals, and it should be an easy common ground for deportation. But not to Dems.

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I don’t care one way or another, there is no interest in actually reducing the amount of illegals by any meaningful amount by either side it is just political theater. Pols should be honest about what their goals actually are.

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“I was for it before I was against it.”

Sound familiar? :wink:


I’m glad I voted for that guy. :rofl:

Why? Does society need to be physically protected from them by locking them in a building to separate them from us? That’s the purpose of incarceration. To hold people who are a danger to society.

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The more left people get, the more prisoners happen. :man_shrugging:

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who are you going to imprison? The HR admin that processes applications?

Fines are the only thing that will work, and they should be higher. $10K per day for every day the illegal worked. Put the illegal in prison for breaking the law if you’d like for identity theft and suspend the sentence upon deportation. They can fight it and sit in jail, or agree to it and leave.

And no, its easy to fake a card, it is not easy to fool the system, the verification system worked, which is why Biden stopped sending those letters.

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so you want to jail the CEO because someone in his employ broke the law?

how is it difficult? I worked as a manager in a day labor company. 50 people a day filled out applications and we “hired” all of them. Most worked a couple days and you never saw them again. They come in, they fill out the app, they give you the required docs for the I9 and you record the information. You are not allowed to question any of it. We used e-verify, so a couple months down the road we’d get a letter from SSA saying this number or that number had a problem. In most cases the person had moved on. For those that were still there, you told them they had to supply other documentation or they couldn’t work and you never saw them again. Lots were illegals, I knew, my company knew it, everyone knew it. But we were not allowed to question the documentation even when we knew it was fraudulent. You are not allowed to not accept it, you MUST accept whatever they give you that’s on the list of acceptable documents.


Looks like many dems support this bill.


Senators cleared the first vote 84 to 9, with 33 Senate Democrats — including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) — joining with every Republican present to vote “yes.” The legislation would mandate federal detention of immigrants without legal status accused of theft, burglary and other related crimes.

The house dem vote on this bill is exactly why they lost in Nov.

It’s incredible. Petty little tyrants, all of them.

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Wait - that advances the bill to debate. Doesn’t pass it yet.

“There’s 47 of us in the Senate, and if we can’t pull up with seven votes, if we can’t get at least seven out of 47 … then that’s the reason why we lost. That’s one of them. That’s one of why we lost in part,” he said.