Our shadow government media, unnamed sources, and Nancy Pelosi

For those who try their best to keep up with important news, many are beginning to realize they are being flooded with a swarm of political type news stories that somewhere contain, “according to an anonymous source” or, “an undisclosed whistle-blower” and even a “reliable informant” told us, etc., which is used for a political hit job.

Well, to our surprise, Nancy Pelosi explained in 2017, and in detail, how her shadow government media is used, and is very much complicit in creating political hit job stories.

Listen to Nancy Pelosi explaining her ‘wrap-up smear’ tactic and how her complicit shadow government media is used.



“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel


Now everyone knows how the current DC establishment politicians work and why MAGA is attempting to vote them out. They aren’t in this for “we the people”. They’re in this for one reason and one reason only…to enrich themselves. Just consider Pelosi’s net worth in 1987 when she entered politics vs today? That fact spotlights it.

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Yes, The nationals socialists put party members in the media and to run major corps. So, did the Communists.

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It’s amazing how much the left projects their action on others. It’s a real mental problem.


Our Democrat Party Leadership, and their operatives, are known for accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.

What lurks in the evil minds of these shadow government creators?



All done by design by the Deep State.

First thing they did was put their men in key positions, mainly Media and courts.
Trump was the first true and effective disruptor of their apple cart in 2016 and thus the reason why they went after him with all the mite.
Culminating with nothing short of assasination.
Now that he won with a huge Mandate they will do the same, go after him, with even more power.

Senate needs to wake the F up and confirm ALL of his appointees ASAP so that they can continue Trump’s agenda if something should, God forbid, happen to him.
This is ONE in a life time chance for the Rs, Patriots and America lovers have to bring us back on track.

And I hope We the People and Senate…will get rid of look-warm Rs like Collins and Pochahantas, Markowsky and Mittens since they’re only as phony as a 3 dollar bill.
Throw the garbage out.

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Marcuse's world

They, along with Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Wiley Nickel, ought to be introduced to the end of a rope, after a trial by those who actually take their oath of office seriously.

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