Only 30% of today's young adults are "'qualified" to serve in the military?

Come on millennials, how are we going to do any coups in Latin America or the Middle-East if you wont put the avocado toast down and get your ■■■■ together.

It would seem to be a great a disadvantage.

I was 28 when I enlisted. That turned out to be an advantage because I was more mature than most lower enlisted and helped me fast track through the ranks. I agree though that 40+ would be a disadvantage, especially if he decided to make it a career.

People are saying there’s a new recruiting slogan coming soon.

“Build the Wall, Man the Wall”

It polls off the charts in certain demographics.


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I don’t doubt it at all. Between obesity and emotional conditions alone you would exclude a great many young people.

To that add other physical illnesses/injuries, drug use/addiction, and criminal records and you’re honing to pare that down even further.

The physical and emotional stress of just getting through basic and AIT are very high, not to mention going further so a lot of American young folks simply will not be qualified.

Now, should we get into a major war where once again a draft is necessary to pour out hundreds of thousands or millions of troops over a short span of months/years you can count on those standards falling rapidly and the eligibility numbers rising rapidly.

The only educational requirement to get in the military is a HS diploma or GED.

With the millions of people with HS diplomas and Degrees who are unemoployed or under employed we need to quit shipping kids off to college in cattle cars and maybe start pushing technical skill and trade craft education again.

Not everyone can earn a college degree, not everyone capable wants or needs one. What we have a great need for in the US today is people with technical and trade related skills.

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Not invest in the current system. That would be good money after bad.

And it has to be affordable.

I still haven’t seen anything that puts that 30% into historical perspective.

I have a feeling it’s being over-hyped.

Were military age males historically fat and weak in this country?

Were military age males historically malnourished and weak in this country?

Malnourished yes. Weak, probably not. Hunger makes one tough.

Easier to feed them than run it off them.

If we need large numbers rapidly, we’ll just create more waivers.

Debatable. The effects of malnutrition go deeper that lack of weight alone.

Regardless, I’ve still to see anything that puts this 30% into historical context. For example: I believe requirements to get in today are higher than they were, say, in the late 60’s.

Why do you believe that?

I can’t imagine a scenario that would require really large numbers of conscriptees where the Hiroshima doctrine won’t be considered. Even if not by us, the enemies or allies involved.

You need a be HS grad to get in today. Back then being semi literate but breathing was acceptable.


80% of Vietnam veterans had a high school diploma. It was the most educated military we ever sent to war up until that time.

And a high school diploma was earned then.

Not really sure what your point is here. But right there is 20% that wouldn’t qualify by todays standard.