One area where Biden can heal some Trump damage without fear of pushback by Senator McConnell

Yes. We can expect to see the return to power of the geniuses that supported the Russia reset and supported the Arab Spring, and the bombing of Libya.
And then Blinken…an early Russia collusion hoaxer.
Great choices.


no thanks


Yeah…“we” must mind everybody else’s biz and Trump really messed that up…amirite? :sunglasses:



Maybe it’s just me but would reverse or negate be a better word?

Heal makes Biden kind of sound like a tent preacher :wink:

What a load of nonsense. This is another area of swamp patronage that Trump corrected.

CAREER is the key term. Like our dear Marie Yovanovitch who was following her own foreign policy…an area Trump excelled in.

Yovanovitch had served presidents of both parties during a 33-year career in the foreign service, which included posts in some of the world’s most challenging countries.

Her ouster has become a key topic in the president’s impeachment and Senate trial. In testimony before the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment inquiry in November, Yovanovitch accused Giuliani of leading an “irregular channel” of diplomacy between the U.S. and Ukraine that was driven by the business interests of private individuals.

Get ready to watch Biden wreck what had been exemplary Trump policy. This is why Trump needs to make a clean handoff to Biden and concede already.

The poor underutilized busybodies…


Libs want their swamp creatures back, they want Americans they don’t like to be summarily executed, they want endless war in the middle east, they want China getting all the natural resources courtesy of American blood.

When the media is on your side, you were never the resistance.



Too funny.


these careerists are a part of the problem. they settle on a policy groupthink likes and pursue it regardless of the policy the president sets. they tell the president what the policy is, and in their opinion, he’s supposed to adopt it.


Seems like the major requirement to be involved in the Biden administration is your history as a Russia collusion hoaxer.

Possible Biden national security adviser pick tied Trump campaign to Russia in 2016 briefings with reporters | Fox News


the second major requirement

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So what do Russia hoaxers and lobbyists have in common? They both helped Biden get elected. That is the major requirement.
Let the healing begin.

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healing is on a 4 year hiatus… Trump 2024!

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Can anyone explain just what the ■■■■ do these people do on a daily basis and exactly how what they do is necessary and adds value to the life of the American people?

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Busybodies and overt spies.

International social media before the age of the internet. Like encyclopedia, magazines, and camera film they are obsolete…yet somehow still quite full of themselves…like living as a government guest is a talent.

Replies 3 through 16 being all basically along the same line, just in different words, I will respond to them together.

The Career Foreign Service has never resisted Trump’s efforts in any way. The one incident with Yovanovitch was simply her refusing to be a part of an illegal act. She never resisted or contradicted Trump’s policies an neither did any other member of the Career Diplomatic Service.

In any event, my proposal, which would APPLY TO DEMOCRATIC & REPUBLICAN Presidents alike, is merely to fully utilize the assets we already have.

Nobody can logically make the argument that somebody who’s ONLY qualification is that they bundled a ■■■■ load of campaign donations is superior to the person who has spent their whole life engaging in diplomacy.

The United States is about the only first world democracy that sends up political hacks to diplomatic posts. Most first world democracies use 100% careerists to staff their diplomatic corps.

I am not asking for that drastic a step. I am merely asking that the number of patronage political hack appointments be limited.

It would improve the quality of our diplomacy and is the right thing to do.

The President sets foreign policy, period. Any illusion that the career diplomats interfere with that is ridiculous. In fact, they are required to be scrupulously non-political.


Here is a proposal that goes even farther than what I propose.

Here is an article that seems to contradict the idea of an impartial State Department that is only trying to carry out the will of the elected executive. Being the Atlantic, it is justifying the rebellion in the State department by saying that they want good policies and that is why they are rebelling.
But they are not the ones, in an elected government, that are supposed to decide which policies are good.

The Ex–State Department Officials Advising 2020 Democrats - The Atlantic

■■■■■■■■■ she lied and made herself a part of the coup attempt, she belongs in jail. the department of state is and always has been a cesspool in the swamp. these arrogant self important twits believe they are there to pursue what they believe to be the policies should be and work in every administration to twist the policies of the president to their own group think will. the result of this group think has been “war without end, amen”

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and yet, they are not. no-one is.

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veteran diplomats believe veteran diplomats should run the state department… who’d a thunk it?
