On What Story Have You Changed Your Minds?

Got a repeat of this story from an FB friend. When it was bigger in the news, I was pushing to throw the book at her.

Seeing some information in his repeat, which I will try to find, 1) Regina frequently was around friends and their parents,

2). Even if Deborah Harrell had money to pay for child care, apparently there are more incidents reported to law enforcement from various day cares than this neighborhood park.

Now I feel badly for her. Looks like she moved to restart her life and cared for her child with the means she had at her disposal to be arrested—when the child wasn’t even harmed.

On what stories have you had a change of heart?

The Covington Catholic kid.

Initial reports and videos did a good job of casting the kid as the villain.

I usually take media spin with a boulder of salt, but this one came across as sincere. I should have known better.


I’ve been out sick for a few days with gastroenteritis, hence more time to post.

Went on my friend’s timeline and couldn’t find his post about Deborah Harrell.

Sorry :neutral_face:

Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see.