On China's 'Kill to Order' Organ Harvesting Market

It’s OK as long as we all have our tablets and phones, right? Even better that it’s no longer, “The Great Satan” in the driver’s seat?

“Powerless” to stop the slaughter, the slavery, the persecution, etc… “Powerless” to put down the toys these slave masters provide. :man_shrugging:


An interesting take on the old socialist pablum “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need”. But as Marxism was viscerally evil in all respects from the beginning why should anyone be surprised?


There used to be massive outcries about stuff like this, but now people scroll past it on the devices that fund it. :man_shrugging:


Those Stalin called “useful idiots” multiplied through the universities etc.


“Culturally there are different norms that each country and their leaders are expected to follow” --President Biden

US academics have been proposing that sacrificing one patient to provide organs to save several others could be morally justified.

Imagine you are a doctor and you have five patients who all need transplants in order to live. Two each require one lung, another two each require a kidney and the fifth needs a heart.

In the next ward is another individual recovering from a broken leg. But other than their knitting bones, they’re perfectly healthy. So, would you kill the healthy patient and harvest their organs to save five others?

It looks like China a step or two ahead of the US in developing a comprehensive organ-harvesting strategy.


Will be and interesting world when they take over, the woke I assume will finally figure out although to late “Maybe the west wasn’t so bad after all”.

The testimony released of a former high ranking police office turned whistle blower on what’s happening in the concentration camps is chilling to read. Our number one trade partner is basically the 4th reich in it’s infancy.


They used the word, “Dhimmi” in some places I’ve traveled to.


I see a time where elites will be traveling to China if they haven’t already.


This stuff is evil, but what is the average person supposed to do about it? Both parties are in bed with the Chinese government, and politicians on the left and right are terrified that real decoupling would crush our economy. I think our best course of action is to improve manufacturing here, but as long as China and other countries are willing to do it for much less, US companies will continue to outsource.

could this step come after you have been canceled?

Maybe it would be a good use of the burgeoning homeless population.

umbilical and embryonic stem cells cause too much outrage but street junkies don’t count

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That’s just the rhetorical window dressing to get people to accept it.

Oryx had it correct…as long as China provides us our cheap goods, businesses will continue to use them and we will lap those goods up.

Oh…and for all you brave souls who claimed you’d endure the pain of a true decoupling as long as it got us away from China?

Look how much you’re complaining about the inflation that’s been caused partly by people in our own country deciding they don’t want to work anymore…they want to retire or pursue something else?

Deep down, even many who claim to be morally righteous when it comes to China and are say they are willing to do what it takes still want SOMEONE to work lousy jobs at ■■■■ wages so they don’t actually have to sacrifice while they virtue signal.


Why would umbilical cause an outcry.

I had the same question, but that’s just getting tangled in the weeds regarding the actual point being made.

West of that line is where almost all of the minorities live. It’s also a giant wasteland (with oil). That’s where the magic happens.


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I vaguely remembered the stem cell outrage from embryos and recalled something about the same cells being present in the umbilical cord, yet the cords are not exclusively harvested from abortions - mixing the two was a mistake on my part- the point I was trying to make is that some “lives” are worth more than others and that outrage is easily manufactured

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They’re supposed to say nothing, and consume more, so that these Chinese operations can continue to develop and expand. :wink:


I think so. After you lose all your social credits you are only eligible to be an immediate organ donor.


There’s a similar east to west line across far southern Canada.