O'Keefe/Project Veritas Says He'll Expose The Deep State

Are you a redneck…they kinda talk like you.

James Okeefe is a terrible human being who doesn’t care who he hurts in his path towards conservative media celebrity.

He has never shown any remorse nor paid any restitution for the people he’s hurt. The people who provide him the notoriety he seeks are only slightly less culpable.

Alex Jones had to admit in court he was a fraud and just doing a act and most Trump supporters here still parrot stuff Alex says.

So that is a yes? And if calling me a redneck because I am Native American you can bite me.

Found your van


No one made any comments about the tarmac meeting and thinking there was corruption. You were the very first…

Please, dude.

The deepstate comments here, ridiculing people 1000x smarter than they are, is so pathetic that they only prove how blithered and useless leftists are.

Untrained, unreliable, unemployed, living on tax payer money, begrudging life itself. Advocates of baby murder. Athiest, Delusional. Hypocritical race-baiters, solitary groupthink deviates, all reading the same tired script from Big Brother. Failed people crying for mush.

You lose. You lost.

So the criminal O’Keefe might or might not correctly or incorrectly name the author of the anonymous NYT op ed. Woo! Talk about exposing the “Deep State”. It is funny that if that op ed author represents the “Deep State” then it was Trump who placed him or her in power. :smile:

Oh. He plans to expose government workers who express their disdain for Donald Trump. Woo Hoo!

Looking forward to another earthshattering dud from the criminal O’Keefe.

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If there is a Deep State…trust me…James O’Keefe ain’t finding.

Those with skills to create a Deep State do not fall for O’Keefe’s amateur tactics.

On this…I can agree.

Well, at least we know Smyrna is on the right track if these guys are getting all giddy!


^ THAT, right there, is what Republican Media and the partisans have longed for. Sane people just starting a sentence with that. It’s all they want.


Chill, dude.

I’m not excited. I’m pointing out that one of the goals, if not the main goal of pushing the Deep State thing is to get sane people, like yourself, just saying those words. All of the media is doing the same thing.

They need the distrust to grow to protect those they like (that are corrupt). It’s a really sound strategy/tactic and it’s why you see so many posters here running with it.

My hypothetical was to point out what an idiot O’Keefe is.

Sane people will realize that.

Silly Smyrna.

We don’t trust what we see people saying on video.

We only trust second and third hand written innuendo and grainy audio.

Unless, of course, we put on a disguise and got them to read lines on camera, then we take their words as gospel.


There is no deep state secret hidden group. You all are so silly trying to come up with some shadow skull and bones type thing it is sad. Their is nothing hidden about how our government is. It is right out in plain sight. Donors give money to the political figures in form of legal bribes, and then those political figures pass laws for those Donors to make/save more of their wealth. Thus making avg tax payers take on the burden.

And you are part of the problem of this because you think “Oh my side is good ones and other ones are the corrupt ones” You sit there and love all over Trump who is doing more corrupt swamp things than any other POTUS we have had. They all are screwing us to help donors it just that Trump is doing it in the open cause his supporters are even more of sheep than Clinton supporters and accept it.

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Jim Hoft? Well I’m sold now.

When Trump won I wondered how Alex Jones would continue to explain his conspiracy theories now that a guy that represented his values was the head of state.

I thought that the blame would be on rogue elements within the government. My only teal surprise is how pervasive it has become among all Right Wing media and not just the fringe.

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You forget to include narccistic, bigoted, xenophobic, pandering and borderline racist in your description of Trump.