O'Keefe/Project Veritas Says He'll Expose The Deep State

drip, drip, drip…

If you can’t trust a fake pimp, then you might as well toss your entire moral code out the window.


Haven’t seen those words around here for a while.

He must’ve taken lessons from Glen Beck lol. Pump them all up for days and days, weeks and weeks and…………………um,

On to the next emergency!!! Buy gold!!

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Beck and O’Keefe expose the truth through carefully edited videos and Twister-like connections, a Twister game with four boards, of course, one on the floor, one on the ceiling, one strapped to the back of a bull, and one in Narnia. When you are prepared to develop the mental dexterity to play the game and make the connections that truly transforms a man into a man, then and only then will you be able to understand how people with neck beards are goblins destined to turn America into Venezuela, one screaming paid protester at a time.


That must be it, yup. I have to do a few more mental calisthenics while juggling my cat and my guitar and a Spanish omelette. That should do it.

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Well, that’s not the way I’d do it, but if you prefer the long path, I tip my hat to you.

Meanwhile, I’ll be sitting under a tree at the top of a hill covered in dandelions and enjoying the scenery before smacking the front of my skull repeatedly with a stick.

Your grits are an inspiration.

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Liking this comment for the visual more than anything.

How did you know that my grits are in inspiration?

I’ve never made grits, truth to tell, but indeed, they are an inspiration, as I imagine them. I’d plop an over-medium egg on top and go to town.

That should do it. You’ll be a glenbeckian four level Twister Narnian by then for sure!

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A tear streams down Glenn’s cheek!


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The Derp State.

What this thread needs is a big boat filled with sex toys.


Alrighty then…here’s your toy. Her name is Senator Claire McCaskill. Enjoy.

She and her staff have been recorded trying to hide her actual agenda. She is telling her constituents one thing but intends to do something totally different. This is a common theme on both sides of the aisle and it needs to stop. In this regard, our current President is…one of the most honest.

Did you just call Trump honest?

What you see…is what you get. That isn’t the case with Senator McCaskill…and with most politicians.

So what you’re saying is his lies are more transparent.

Got it!


McCaskill is on record as supporting pretty much every one of those gun issues that Veritas tries to spin that she’s “hiding”.

She ran in the primary on most of them.

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