These people are serious!
LOL… let me invade my neighbor and then when they don’t conform to my way of thinking… whaaaaa
some people’s kids
These people are serious!
LOL… let me invade my neighbor and then when they don’t conform to my way of thinking… whaaaaa
some people’s kids
My take on this story is that SOME people are leaving Austin because the Texas state government sucks. Austin is still the fastest growing metropolitan area in the US.
Translation: Why aren’t they helping me!!! I need free stuff!!!
Don’t let the border hit ya where the Good Lord split ya.
Maybe? The reasons cited in the story were about COVID, the power grid, abortion rights, and trans/LBGTQ+ stuff.
Yep! They leave people’s paradises like Portland and Seattle so they can get freebies while being taxed less. Complete entitlement mentality.
Honestly, people should move to where they can associate with like minded people if they can do so.
I wouldn’t want to move to a liberal area, so I can understand why liberals don’t want to live in a conservative area.
They can help keep the state they move to blue. Makes more sense than trying to change everyone else to suit their beliefs and values.
Exactly. Respect the majority who live there and don’t try to turn them upside-down over ideologies. I wouldn’t even think of moving to a small town in Illinois or New York and complaining that the state government is too liberal. What a waste.
Every small town in Illinois complains that the state government is too liberal. You’d be right at home there.
In a time where folks could get along it wasn’t a big deal. Now, politics (morals, values, role of government) has become so divisive it is a big deal.
Personally, I am glad to see leaders like DeSantis and Abbott not caving under political pressure from the left. It’s about time we stop pandering to try to make everyone happy and just support the people who voted for you.
About time Austin was retexified!
Yes Lord!
The big cities in some states can look like a Scooby Doo backdrop. As that progresses and their populations progressively dwindle under the burden of progressive governance then demographics may shift.
lol… I created this thread for you!
Here’s an example, That proves it is generally true.
Is Tejas known for its freebies?
Well, the story is about Austin, which is the epicenter of Texan liberalism.
I was at a tech conference in Austin on election day 2016. You should have seen the lib mind-blowing that night. Buses that were running from hotels to conference venues couldn’t go. The roads were totally blocked with weeping protesters. (I just had to wonder how many of them actually voted.)
We have witnessed this all over the world. When a mindset destroys a place due to wars, economic or some other disaster, they move to a new host home. They then set up a small version of what they left behind and attempt to turn their new home, back into the home they chose to leave and not fix. Then after time goes by, they then tell their new hosts what they’re doing wrong and provide guidance to turn this new home, into their old one. Austin has evolved into small lib version of California.
I lived in Austin in the late seventies to the mid eighties and Austin was a LOT different back then.
In the Texas Constitution every prisoner leaving our prisons is entitled to, IIRC, a riding horse and a $20 gold piece. Not being currently honored…