Actually, he has not been a disaster. In many ways the bills that he got passed is why we have recovered post Covid better then most countries…still more work to be done…which he will get a chance to do in Jan 2025.
Politics has always been a game of some sort…we think some of our recent elections are so nasty, which many are…it is nothing new. It is like complaining water is too wet.
It was impressive how well Russian operatives manipulated people by using polling data from Manafort that targeted the vulnerable areas to get just enough people in very specific places to think both sides are the same.,…so they stayed home.
Look an election denier. Bet you still cry and say gore was cheated. And here you all say democrats never deny the results of an election. You just lost your right to ever point at trump supporters again. Because you think your queen was cheated. Used all the leftist lies too. How funny.