Ok Lefties, here's your hysterical buzzword for today!

They’ve spent the entire thread deflecting from the lies of their favorite media mouthpieces.

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well its not exactly going out on a limb saying Biden will get more votes than trump.

the dems have gathered the most votes in every presidential election since 1992 (save for 2004),

the dems are on a 4 election winning streak looking to make it 5.


and one of the most accurate when it comes to political predictions.


If Trump doesn’t win it’s going to be a bloodbath.
If Trump wins, he’s going to be a dictator on day one.
I’m scared.

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Like you just said, the general election has officially kicked off. In other words, the stupidity is already cranked up to 42 and we just barely got started/

ALLLLLL the stops are coming out this year.


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The legacy media has put us on notice at the very beginning of the main general election contest that we are not to pay attention to any of the garbage they spew out over the next seven months. We should be grateful for the heads up.


I hope someone come out with “GUTS Brand Soap” to clean up in this “Bloodbath”

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link pls

You’re right Allan, Democrats are far better at gathering votes than Republicans. They gather them in the middle of the night, they gather them from out of state trucks, they gather them from people who don’t live in their voting districts, they gather them from people who don’t even know their votes have been gathered, they gather multiple votes from some people, sometimes they gather more votes from an area than there are voters, they even gather them from dead people! Now if only they can gather enough to win the electoral vote…Not likely this time. But hold on tight to your dreams!

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not allowed to post links


So, nothing.

lots of laughs.

81,000,000 citizens didnt vote for Biden.

it was election fraud.

at least you are consistent. consistently wrong.


Aren’t you the guy who just without sourcing it tried to post that Biden had gotten millions more votes in the primaries than Trump? So don’t waste my time with this “I’m so accurate” crap.

Here’s what the lying POS you voted for is dealing with today.

“ President Joe Biden’s average approval rating is currently at its lowest of his entire time in office despite a positive reaction to his recent State of the Union address.

Biden’s approval rating currently stands at 37.4 percent, the lowest since he recorded an average of 37.6 percent in December 2023, according to poll aggregator FiveThirtyEight’s national average calculations.”. Joe Biden's Approval Rating Falls to All-Time Low After SOTU

Will that be the case in November…I hope so.

America needs to reject Biden and his handlers before they do more irreparable damage to this country.

Now I’m done with your distractions from the thread.

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i corrected that statement almost immediately.




The dimocrats are so sad.

Just remember, they don’t want a bloodbath.

They all said so now.

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It is not our problem…it’s politics, and it is what we do.

Are you aware how nasty the 1800 POTUS election was?

If Trump wins, it’s also going to be a bloodbath. Watch for burning cities again.


Heh - Trump literally said just that.


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unbelievable. we are now justifying this because “politics”

boy… now I can’t wait till the next time Trump brags about his crowd size and the collective left and media lose their minds.