yes, unlike Democrats maybe “conservatives” (such that they are) don’t typically live with their head in the ground as they like to know what actually is
week week week attempt at making any kind of parallel besides, no one in the wide media went into high dudgeon over that like your mommy media is over “bloodbath“
The American people aren’t stupid…despite what the liberal Democrat party thinks of us.
In the last few years we’ve seen our lives turned upside down needlessly during the virus…we’ve seen our bank accounts drained by Biden’s inflation, we’ve watched our streets and cities turned into first burned down rubble by blm and antifa, now into migrant homeless camps as Biden’s border nightmare continues…
And we can see the pattern here. We heard liberal democrats lie about the border…we look at the over the top efforts at “lawfare” just to get one man…we count the dollars in our bank accounts and understand it didn’t used to be that way…
Then we listen to fools like Morning Joe and the girls on the view and the spokespeople for this presidency tell us “no what you are seeing and hearing everyday isn’t what’s really happening”…
The majority of Americans might not be sitting there digesting every word of every report or lawsuit…but we do have a fundamental sense of right and fairness. I think people are growing fatigued with the daily efforts by the political elites on the left and their media mouthpieces to destroy one person and the people he represents…and I think people are able to lay the two presidencies side by side and see that they were way better off when the guy before Biden was in the White House.
The American people are not stupid…despite the best efforts of the left…and at this point you libs have just worn us all out with your daily obsession with destroying one guy.
Yesterday we learned that they are fine with prosecuting attorney’s…you know the people who have the power to destroy your life and put you in prison…that it’s just fine for them to get on a witness stand and lie repeatedly…
Morning Schmoe and Rachel Maddow plucking lies out of their backsides shouldn’t be a big thing at all should it?
Trump was taken out of context… I just find it funny that the complaints about politicians being taken out of context for political gain is happening now.
Not complaints. We’re LAUGHING at the blatant boot licking and humiliation that Libs are willing to suffer, even on national television, to try and smear Trump. You guys ought to be telling your leaders to have at least a little dignity and that you’re not that stupid. BUT YOU CAN’T! Most of you will take up the moronic mantra with glee and pat yourselves on the back for knocking Trump down another peg, ignoring the fact that you’re only making him stronger. Glad to see that you haven’t taken in on this…