OK atheists, your turn


So you’re the real victim here - in a thread you started with the explicit purpose of attacking atheists?


No. That’s not what atheism means. None of these organizations will claim to be atheists. Atheism is a doctrine. None of those agencies support this doctrine.

Going to the gym now. See you tomorrow. Maybe.:muscle:

Atheism is not a “doctrine”. It the absense of one.


Hey guys what’s your favorite “I dont believe in Bigfoot” charity? People who dont believe in Bigfoot are so selfish

Hopefully to give to charity

Topic? Your topic is a self congratulating bloviating strawman. Atheism is the absence of belief, it’s not an agenda. There are plenty of humanist organizations who do good for the sake of good. I listed some before. Your goalpost is stupid though. It’s not a “doctrine” it’s a philosophy - and thus doesn’t have giant organizations that work towards a common goal. It’s like saying “Star Wars fans give more money to charity than people who don’t like Toy Story 2”. You’re saying nothing.

Looks different than the Christian cross. Does Christianity own every symbol where two lines cross no matter where?

It’s a visible sign of protection under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, an inverse of the Swiss flag. Get over yourself.

You asked, I answered. I don’t need a charity to promote atheism itself. Secular organizations like the Red Cross are fine.

Atheism isn’t a doctrine.

It just means that I believe in one less God than you do.

So many people fail to understand atheism. Plus there is soft and hard atheism. Soft would be I have not seen convincing evidence for a deity so I don’t believe there is one. Hard atheism would be declaring there is no God.

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You are confusing non secularism with atheism. No of those organizations claim to be atheist. You do not have the authority to clam it for them.

You don’t understand what atheism is or how negative space works. They don’t have to claim it, any more than they have to claim everything else they don’t believe in.

Thank you for making the distinction. Plenty of Christians serve in and donate to the Red Cross. Christianity is probably the most dominate religion in the Red Cross. Their symbol is based on the Christian cross. As is the Swiss flag. Non secular. But certainly not atheist.

Why don’t you call the Red cross and ask them if they are an Atheist organization? See what they say.

I don’t believe that the Nordic pantheon exists.

I am an atheist when it comes to that.


Yes and I’m an atheist and I’ve done volunteer work with Habitat for Humanity. So I guess they don’t count as Christian.

The Swiss flag is based on the Christian cross. As are all flags with a cross on them. Get over yourself.

If you say so.

The Red Cross is neutral. It is not a Christian organizations. In Muslim countries, the symbol is a crescent, not a cross.

“In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Red Cross may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.”