Oh, Oh....Project Veritas Exposes Fake News ABC

“Our bosses don’t see an upside in doing our job that we’re supposed to do, which is to speak truth to power and hold people to account.”

He’s saying that the bosses of ABC are not promoting true journalism. If not, what is ABC news?

He stung himself once.

But this one is my absolute favorite…the Attempted Sex Boat Caper


And remember…he was busted for lamely trying to break into a Senator’s office and was also forced to admit in court he doctored the ACORN videos (had to provide the unedited footage in fact).

Such is the man in whom the OPer puts his faith.

I would make everyone I came into contact with take their shirts off to check for wires if I was him. When you play such dirty politics, you have to be prepared for the worst.

Do you trust Adam (the Sieve) Schiff as a source? Or CNN as a source?

Three minutes of this reporter talking about how network news in general sucks because it’s a self-promoting profit center as opposed to getting the truth out.

All of which anyone who watches even five minutes of network news already knows.

One phrase about how they don’t give Trump credit…lots of phrases about how they don’t hold him to account either…in fact they give him more exposure than he deserves is what he was saying.

And somehow this shows network news is biased against Trump.


Since O’Keefe judiciously edits his videos, this proves to me that even he couldn’t make much out of this.

This is one of his lamer efforts.

I simply don’t share much with people I don’t know,

Recording devices and unscrupulous video editors are everywhere.

Oh yes!


I can tell once again you didn’t even read or watch the links you provided.


No…President Trump coined it and called it out for what it is…fake news.

I don’t watch them either but this one seems to be genuine, the guy said his political ideology is a socialist and ABC suspended him and said when he does come back (No date given) he will not be in reporting politics. Seems like some harsh measures being taken for something that didn’t have validity.

Veritas is shady agreed but look at the measures being taken at ABC that speaks volume compared to the way CNN and NYT’s handled it. They are moving the guy out of politics CNN and others are reporting on it as if it’s real. I highly doubt they enjoy being in Okeefes corner.

That is fair.

Utter ■■■■■■■■ sorry. No such thing.

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They exposed everything and now it’s proven that I was right. About things. All things.

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No he didn’t. Hillary Clinton used the term publicly in 2016. Trumps first use of the phrase was shortly after. He didn’t coin it, but he did market it. Then changed the usage to cover any news that was unfavorable to him.

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If a story says something Trump doesn’t like why shouldn’t he call it fake and why shouldn’t I cheer him on? As a person with no bias who only cares about the truth I feel very strongly about this.

:trophy:You just won the thread

Does it involve moooslim prayer rugs on the Southern border again?

How does what a reporter say in private indicate that the content presented on the air is fake? Quite a stretch there.

Anyone and everyone that didn’t push the Russian collusion lie!