Of Men and Males

Is it a direction a female would take?

“A” - sure of course.
Which is exactly why i quoted the poster and told him that that is not a direction i would take.

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What is home ownership among homosexual male couples?

My answer. We gave up our traditions when some sold us the false idea that the imperfections in our traditions justified the wholesale removal of them. We need traditions.

Man still can go outside those traditions but the traditions are the baseline, the guidelines to be respected and revered even if not adhered to in every circumstance.

Aren’t there different waves of feminism though. 1st wave being we want to vote we want equality to 4th wave victim mentality and vicious misandry.

If men are going to be lost and blame it on the ladies, they need a few more mental health months.


“Ladies” is not generic.

Give some examples of the traditions you are speaking of

I dont need to. I made a general statement. I wanted to make a general statement. But then I also provided an example of other cultures’ traditions that are not my own to help those who couldn’t grasp the general statement. You might consider learning to abstract from the specific to the general and to particularize from the general to the specific. And learn to find counterparts from one example to another.

If you cant, then i suggest you start a superficial thread where people discuss particular traditions. Such a discussion would simply sidetrack this one.

The ladies, obviously.

Anyone who sends young men Andrew Tate’s way are actively breaking them.

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Among other things.

So your view of women is shaped by internet and personal experience with an ex.

Have you considered that your position is because of you and not because of feminism?

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Right it’s everyone else’s fault that you view women through a dirty prism.

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Right on! :fist:t5:

Ladies don’t break their men.

To whom should young men listen?

I love how a woman is here to tell us what’s wrong with men.

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If a man can’t find a woman to marry, wouldn’t you want the opinion of a woman to find out why?