Obama. The Worst President in American History?

Stake. Not steak.

Quality of life issues for one.

And they’re stakeholders not steak holders. Two different groups. Although steak holders can be stakeholders. They have definite views apart from financing when it come to getting rid of cows, flatulence or not.

I like border security. Don’t need a sea-to-sea wall.
I’m benefitting from some tax changes. I’d benefit even more if I was really wealthy.
Taking care of vets.
The “business” urgency he brings to the job.
I’m waiting on regulations - not sure what long term effects may be.

Prison reform

Nothing can dissuade you, huh?

Your lack of proof Trumps my lack of proof.

You might try Occam’s razor but I’m afraid you’d hurt yourself.

Trump is 46th out of 45 Presidents.

History will not be kind to Trump.

That too.

One of the best parts about being a Conservative today, is that I wake up
everyday and Donald Trump is still President.

God Bless America!!!

We better git rid of cows, or the world will be gone in 12 years
according to Cortez.

Global Waming is going to kill us all!!! It’s the “Wamest” it’s ever been.

Stupid cows are mainly to blame.

Who are you talking too? That’s just a rhetorical question. At this point, I don’t care.

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I was talking to you. It was in response to one of your posts.

Obama and Clinton are both in the top 10 at least of worst presidents
I think.

It’s kind of fun watching you argue, carpe. So liberating that you say whatever you like without backing anything up. Hard to take you seriously knowing your penchant for saying whatever comes into your mind.

Am I supposed to guess which one?
The one you responded to was about prison reform.

Which is why it was rhetorical question and why I don’t care to sort it out. It gets no better. Well, maybe tomorrow it might. I am an optimist. I’m also naïve.

Trump isn’t a conservative.


Instead of fighting for what he said he would do, he immediately outsourced his Cabinet to the Clinton mafia. The he spent 8 years kicking his own ass.

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Last conservative President was Calvin Coolidge.

Sad that it’s been almost 100 years since one has been elected.

Reagan was pretty Conservative. The country over the years,
has moved more and more predominately to the far Radical Left,
and the only way that Republicans could survive and still try and get elected
was to become more moderate to Liberal over the years for some things.

For other things, they’re just a bunch of cowards on, and don’t
keep their promises. Trump makes me proud to be a Conservative Again.
I was always proud, but even more so when he won. When was the
last time a president kept his promises on what he campaigned about
on a regular basis. Not just a couple of things or less?

Sure. Criminal justice reform - long overdue, near universal support. I’m sure that it’s pure coincidence that it took two years to put together, just in time for the midterms. :roll_eyes:

That’s pretty much it.

No he wasn’t.

Reagan increased debt. Not conservative.

One campaign promise Trump failed on - Repeal and replace ObamaCare. Failed, gave up. Doesn’t try any more. Not on radar.

Don’t see any Trump supporters demanding Trump focus on that promise. Why not?

As president, Reagan “raised taxes in seven of his eight years in office.

Reagan nearly tripled the federal budget deficit.

Reagan grew the size of the federal government.

As governor of California in 1967, Reagan signed a bill to liberalize the state’s abortion laws that resulted in more than a million abortions.

Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants.