Obama makes fun of the ongoing invasion at our southern border

Wallow in your ignorance for the rest of your life man. I’ll just laugh at you from now on instead of trying to educate you on how ridiculous your fears are of immigration.

Here’s another knowledge bomb for ya.

Before attempting to educate me, grasshopper, take some time to understand the distinction between illegal immigration and lawful regulated immigration; the former being something to fear while the latter is embraced by law abiding American citizens.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

lol - says the guy who started the thread by confusing the caravan with illegal immigration. :rofl:

You do a lot of laughing when your reading skills betray you. The fact is, the guy who started the thread referenced “the ongoing invasion at our southern border”. Have you been living under a rock the past 35 years and missed the millions upon millions of foreigners who have entered our country illegally, and after amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in the 1980s?

And since you believe you are the sharpest knife in the draw, and charge I have confused the caravan with illegal immigration, pray tell Mr. Smarty pants, where have I written the word “caravan” in the thread?



President Trump, by the terms of our Constitution, is empowered “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”.

There is nothing illegal about our asylum process? Are you confused?

This is the beginning of the third paragraph in your OP. You don’t even seem to know what “the caravan” is. :rofl:

Your OP then immediately says that what he was referring to is…

Your OP clearly discusses “the caravan” and clearly confuses those people coming to ask for asylum with illegal immigration.

Just stop embarrassing yourself.

I asked you, “. . . since you believe you are the sharpest knife in the draw, and charge I have confused the caravan with illegal immigration, pray tell Mr. Smarty pants, where have I written the word “caravan” in the thread?”

I have referenced an “ongoing invasion”. I mentioned nothing about a “caravan” and that is why you came up empty handed.


You apparently have been living under a rock the past 35 years and missed the millions upon millions of foreigners who have entered our country illegally during this time period [an ongoing invasion], and after amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in the 1980s.

In the meantime, try to find where I used the word “caravan” to substantiate your charge, or, simply pay attention to what has been written and you won’t look foolish.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

That’s what Obama was “making fun of”, the caravan. Are you still confused about your own thread?


You are more confused than I realized.

Good luck to you man. I will not even read anymore of your post in here. Just letting you know so you don’t waste your time with another long winded reply.

I thought he was making fun of the people that are afraid of the caravan

Who’s going to make fun of Obama making fun of the people who are scared of the caravan?

Not quite sure, but JWK volunteered to be one of those people that Obama was making fun of.

Not as much as you. Yes! Obama was making fun of the caravan as I pointed out ___ an isolated incident which is part of a much bigger picture ___ an ongoing invasion of the borders of the United States, and it is having devastating social and economic consequences. In case you missed it, I went on to point out the following: .

"It’s very disturbing to note how easy it is for Obama to make fun of American citizens who suffer the devastating consequences of illegal immigration, and this includes the vast majority of the Democrat Party Leadership, who, like Obama, live in luxury and are guarded and insulated from the devastating consequences of illegal immigration.

To get an idea of how Obama, a socialist limousine liberal lives CLICK HERE and scroll down to take a tour of his mansion which he refuses to open to and take in a few dozen “impoverished malnourished refugees” which Obama apparently does not “fear”.

In closing, let us examine the devastating consequences of illegal immigration suffered by American citizens which the Leadership of both political parties have ignored until the election of President Trump ___ a president who is actually trying to advance the general welfare of America citizens above those invading the borders of the United States. CLICK HERE to discover some of the Consequences of illegal immigration suffered by American citizens."


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

Actually, I am not confused about your distain for American citizens like Bernadette Lancelin who
SUMMARIZED what the vast majority of American citizens feel.

Aside from that, and regardless of your hatred for American citizens who are sick and tired of the Democrat Party Leadership which is more concerned about the well-being of illegal entrants than American citizens, I thought it would interest you to know President Trump’s approval among people of color is growing as each day passes.

See: Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds
Aug. 17, 2018

”Even as cable news networks debate reports of the existence of a recording of President Donald Trump using a racial slur, a new poll from Rasmussen Reports says that the president’s approval rating among African-Americans is at 36 percent, nearly double his support at this time last year”

So, while you hate people like Bernadette Lancelin, keep in mind our elected representatives have a duty to represent the interests of American citizens above those of foreign invaders, and the above poll indicates President Trump is doing just that, unlike the Democrat Party Leadership which has been taking the Black vote for granted for too many years.

Wake up and smell the coffee and try to cleanse your hatred for American citizens like Bernadette Lancelin.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

Nope, the caravan seeking legal asylum has nothing to to with illegal immigration. You need to think your threads through better, this one is nonsensical.


Using an old and tired stupid debating trick, accusation by innuendo, is just that, old and tired and not very creative.


Dude, you are the one who chose to use Obama’s comments on a caravan of people seeking legal asylum to further a discussion on a different topic, illegal immigration.

Reorganize your thoughts and try again.

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You would know. You are full of old, stupid debating tricks.

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