NYT publishes "Ode to Stacey Abrams"

The NYT published an opinion piece (by an author appropriately named Blow) this past Sunday comparing Abrams to Moses. Yes dear readers, Stacey will lead us to the promised land but will never be able to enter herself.

I’m just going to say, that comparing Abrams to Moses is just obscene. This woman is another self-aggrandizing grifter that cares for nothing other than lining her own pockets and achievig power for herself. As much as I despise most politicians, ole Stacey really triggers a deep visceral reaction in me.

As a side note for those not from Georgia, her New Georgia Project group, which focuses on registering new voters and has been investigated for fraudulent submissions, was originally chaired by Warnock. They are joined at the hip. They also claim to be non partisan but somehow only seem to try and register Democrat POC to vote.


First DeSantis, now Abrams…

Why is Moses so popular this week?


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Moses Malone maybe.

Has she conceded this time ?

Yeah, she did concede this time.

She conceded last week.

Waiting on her next lawsuit now.

Good, at least she is no longer an election denier.

I’m waiting for her next lawsuit to drop.

Moses wasn’t a fat glutton.


Methinks it was a slow day at the NYT.

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How do you know?

Sounds just like trump.

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Don’t have to. I know that Stacey is.

You don’t have to know that “Moses wasn’t a fat glutton” to know “Moses wasn’t a fat glutton”? Okay. . . And yes, Stacey Abrams is fat.



Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness. Naked and afraid people can’t go 21 days without losing 30 lbs.


Eat a salad.


Fat Stacey ain’t see a deuce since Jr. High