NYT hires open racist

Political correctness has gone too far with you guys. There is literally nobody who likes white people more than her.


Being non-PC only applies to them being offensive, not being offended. Conservatives are sensitive on the level of a liberal arts student if anyone or anything that can even vaguely be classified as politically conservative is talked badly about in any way.



Lol that pic should be next to the dictionary definition of “Trumpsplain.”

As I keep saying… this is what they fought for… not me.

It’s only racist when those other people do it.

Besides, she’s not even white.

Well, you see, this racist liberal only voted for the white half of Barack Hussein Obama. The fact that I could overlook his Muslimy black half, is in fact an indication that racism in this country is practically non-existent.

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This chick has so much hate in her heart for white people, I can’t even consider her sane. The NYT has no grounds to ever discuss racism again.

She lives white peolle. She even employs them to clean her pool. Would a racist do that?

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The best vegan kale bowls are made at her favorite Grill. She loves white people!

The beauty of being an independent is that I can condemn racism wherever I see it. The party is irrelevant for me.

Why are you taking her literally?

They’re mocking you with Trumpsplainin’

She’s making the New York Times great again!

I am very much not surprised that you got that, and he didn’t seem to.

As opposed to electing an open racist?

Conversely, I’m free to condemn your Independent racism, because you have no side that I need to defend. :slight_smile: :wink:

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That’s different, because Supreme Court Justice.

That is only racist if you are infact a Goblin.

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It’s one thing to privately have such thoughts about white peoples or whomever. It’s another altogether to post them in your own name on social media.

And it’s a totally inappropriate action for a News employer, whose journalists are supposed to be fair & objective no matter whom they’re interviewing, to justify hiring a journalist with openly racist views.

I hope the New York Times loses readers.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Goblin really isn’t a race.