Trump spent a lot of effort and time to shut down our southern border from illegal aliens crossing, costing this country billions and billions and billions annually. The left and a good sized portion of the right worked against him. Now here “we” are today and the condemnation of Trump from this corrupt entity was for his “mean tweets”. It appears that my fellow Americans are waking up to the FACT…DC is destroying this country and they’re managing to put the mean tweet bull feces fed by the media…aside. I sure hope this is true because this country will not stand another 4 years like what “we” have just had and survive.
While polls assessing the national popular vote have consistently showed Biden and Trump in a close race, presidential elections typically are decided by the outcomes in a handful of so-called swing states.
Biden’s victories in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - all swing states that Trump carried in 2016 - were instrumental in his 2020 victory. Biden likely would need to carry many of those state again to win re-election.
Conservatives love a loser. Nothing more beta than supporting a guy who lost you a few election cycles while throwing a temper tantrum over made up fraud claims… only to find out the person committing voter fraud is him.
Then to have a surprised look like they didn’t see this coming even though he has been found running fraudulent businesses twice (about to be thrice).
“But he said what I wanted to hear” says every wife in an abusive relationship.
Under the Trump administration the relationship with Mexico (huge trading partner), and prez Obrador facilitated a the security of the US southern border as well as the southern border of Mexico. Hell, they had 2,800 Mexican troops on their border to make sure theirs was secure.
Enter cement head J’Biden. By welcoming the world to illegally invade the US via Mehico, Obrador’s country is overwhelmed and the cartels are running the show. Obrador now has given the middle finger to dumbass Rehoboth Joe and is now talking to China, Russia and Iran.
I read the last 10-20 posts and I am not optimistic.
The cinic in me tells me that there is more to all this:
Look at the whole picture.
Rep. gets into the WH and fixes what’s wrong.
Then a Dem. gets in and screws it all up.
Then again a R is let in to fix it all…
Then Biden comes in and burns the house down.
ARE we taken for a ride with this ???
Dems are spending and burning and Reps are pulling the chestnuts out of a fire???
Is this all done by design???
I can’t tell because I would have to believe that American voter, at least one half of them, are so stupid since they let that happen and don’t see the forest for the trees???
So…now they will let Trump in after they spent us to oblivion, got 10 Million of future D voters and S S recipients in, 2 wars going on etc.
If I were Trump I’d say…Thank you…Thank you…but you kicked me out 3 y ago…go find another savior/sucker now.
If I were a Dem. I’d vote for Trump too…1 term in just to fix things.