Nuclear power struggles to be competitive in wholesale electricity markets

“It’s very important for us to solicit your impact, or your input, on what the environmental [characteristics] you believe are present in the community and how the project is going to affect you,” said Joe O’Hara of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Division.

Honestly, I don’t think it’s very important at all.

“I just wanted to point out that the world’s most dangerous supervolcano is four hours north and, barring any accident [happening], the consequences could be world changing,” Kemmerer resident Marshal Corwin told Nuclear Regulatory Commission staffers during a Tuesday evening public meeting regarding the project. As for the project’s billionaire backer, “I’m not comfortable doing any deals with the devil,” he added.

Not everyone’s opinion is worth considering. This really should just be a huddle of infrastructure experts, and the landowner.