NRA is in deep financial trouble and may soon 'be unable to exist'


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How about parents being deported without their children for misdemeanor offenses?

You don’t have a right to life. The Constitution does not give you rights.

What you have is a right for the government not to take your life without due process.

The Constitution applies to government.

Exactly. Because Centgov is out of control.

The government has no obligation to provide me guns.

No argumentum ad populum. What if 85% said “No ARs.”

Good post.

They didn’t get the $30MM from Russians?

SCOTUS decision.

Another good one.

I couldn’t disagree more.

Gross abuse of the Commerce Clause.

Well they spent that helping Trump. So if they did it would not help them.


Stop dude. That’s horse hockey and you know it.

Point Wild Irish.

Strawman. Prior restraint.

Are you denying the dem left is putting policies in place to “discourage” the exercising of this right?

If I have a pistol, I can get a rifle. If I have a rifle I can get 1,000. If I have 1,000 - All your base is belong to us.

Japan survived that.