Those are NOT political campaigns.
And now we will see more numbers and everyone can make educated decision on whether or not to support the NRA
Why isn’t Trump a billionaire?
Support NRA and keep our Trains Straight!
Straight and not Africanized, that’s when things go south apperently
how could cartoon trains travel from kenya and san fran to the uk???
That’s why a Saharan desert wall must be built!
Okay … Now post a link to a site that shows that none of those groups contribute to political campaigns or to lobby Congress or pass money on to groups that do. As I said, Soros is not stupid.
I think Musk is building a tunnel.

Why isn’t Trump a billionaire?
Why aren’t you Canadian?

And now we will see more numbers and everyone can make educated decision on whether or not to support the NRA
Sure. I have no problem with it as long as it is applied equally.
I don’t understand your point. You said we could never find out who soros gives his money to. We found out in like 3 seconds.

Now post a link to a site that shows that none of those groups contribute to political campaigns or to lobby Congress or pass money on to groups that do.
That’s not how it works. Online records exist for things that actually happened, not for things that didn’t. The burden is on you to prove that those group do what you say

I don’t understand your point. You said we could never find out who soros gives his money to. We found out in like 3 seconds.
I did not say that, I said that he covers his ass as to whom he gives money to by laundering it through other organizations.

Now post a link to a site that shows that none of those groups contribute to political campaigns or to lobby Congress or pass money on to groups that do.
That’s not how it works. Online records exist for things that actually happened, not for things that didn’t. The burden is on you to prove that those group do what you say
That’s exactly how it works. Soros funds all sorts of political agendas by funneling the money through other people. He’s been doing it for decades.
It clearly says how that org spends it’s money. There is nothing hidden. Just follow the links.
He gives millions openly to political action committees. Why would he bother hiding even more millions?