Iraq war (and I am not defending it) amounts to something like 1% of Federal spending since 2003 and less than 1% of the debt.
To claim the Iraq war caused the debt (or half of it or whatever the claim was) is just not worth addressing. Might as well blame the cost of shoe laces or the cost of the tulips planted outside the Capitol building. Spit in the ocean does not make the tide rise.
“The second largest investor in mortgages is the Federal Reserve due to QE. At the peak of its MBS holdings in 2021, the Fed held $2.7 trillion of MBS, which is about a quarter of all MBS and a fifth of all mortgages.”
Are tax receipts by the government up, or down? You already know the answer. When receipts grow, but debt and deficits grow faster, the problem is spending.
Tax Receipts almost always up, if the economy is doing well. Cutting taxes reduces tax revenue every time it is done, then pubs yell about the deficit, and blame it ALL on spending.
I get it though, despite all the evidence, pubs refuse to acknowledge trickle down economics only work for the wealthy.
A huge study by the Rand corp showed how there has been a huge shift in wealth, starting in the 1980’s…with the majority of the wealth gains going to the very wealthy.
Tax receipts are up, even with the tax reduction, because that money left in the hands of the public (rich and poor) gets spent, generating economic activity. In fact tax cuts usually spur economic activity, which drives tax receipts. The problem with libs is they think those tax dollars belong to the government, ignore the fact that high taxation retards economic activity, and whine about not being able to confiscate more of the public’s money to waste on their inefficient programs.
Biggest economic expansion in history, with the creation of the middle class that has never existed in human history…all when the top tax rate was 91%…then dropped to 70%.
Then some fool dropped it down to 25%, and it went to hell…
(same thing happen in 1920’s, dropped tax rate to 25%…party time for several years…and then, everything went to hell)
Although imperfect…there are a lot of folks in poor red states, that now have access to health care, thanks to democrats…as literally not 1 Pub voted for those benefits.
Can you name one piece of legislation, that, was sponsored, and passed by the majority of Republicans, that benefited the working class…and not the rich or corps.
We certainly have our problems, yet our population keeps growing. we have good jobs, great weather, far more variety of things to do. A buddy of mine would surf early in the morning, and go snow skiing in the afternoon. Climate change is causing some major issues, and we need to prepare for that.
They are doing some things to provide more homes, less large houses, more Condos, duplexes, and more apartments as well. I see that in my town. The state is making cities to build more of these types, vs a lot of large houses.
you don’t have money until you have it and you don’t spend it until its spent. planning to have money is not having money and planning to spend it is not spending it. cutting taxes does not lower revenue. cutting the rate of increase in spending does not lower spending.
Limiting supply and subsidizing demand is a recipe for a housing shortage.
I’ll add here again that we don’t know really know if that is what is at the heart of this very disturbing upswing in homelessness. It could be anything including
bad drug habits that exploded during COVID are finally taking hold of people’s lives
too many immigrants too quickly
there are plenty of affordable houses they’re just in places like Oakland and Compton and S Central.
The Fed subsidizing AirBnB and absentee owners via low rates and buying MBS