Now This Is Interesting! Pennsylvania Ignores SCOTUS?

I love this! Often wonder why more states don’t.

A top election official in Pennsylvania says the state will disregard the U.S. Supreme Court’s guidance on counting mail-in ballots arriving in envelopes with typos or incorrect dates, saying that the state’s Commonwealth Court has already established the practice as licit.

What are they going to do about it?


I see it going to SCOTUS after election and votes get to tossed, specially at federal level presidential election.

Which means PA electoral votes won’t count.

Just thinking out of the box.

Having said that it’s going to get interesting.

Next will be gun laws, first amendment rights etc.

And than conservative/republican states will be playing the game…and we will be hearing libs howling.


So much for law of the land. :rofl:


They are not really ignoring the Supreme Court. All the Supreme Court did was vacate a decision of the Third Circuit due to mootness. As they did not consider the case on the merits, they did not establish any binding precedent.

So while they may be ignoring the Supreme Court in spirit, they are not ignoring the Supreme Court in fact.


Gotta have those illegitimate votes sounds like. :roll_eyes:


■■■■ laws…“we” got this…amirite? :crazy_face:

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PA will NOT be going surprise red again they wont let that happen.

here’s how:

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So by counting all the votes?

…that are considered legal by the laws created with in that state’s legislature…period.

The article was about following the stupid PA law that says they can’t start counting mail-in ballots until Election Day.

Fun fact:
After the last (post ‘Rona) General Election in France, all votes were counted and winners declared that evening.
And not just Pennsylvania but here in the techno-advanced “voting rights” for all land of the free USA votes are still being manipulated long after Election Day.
LOL :rofl:



The SC didn’t rule on the constitutionality - they vacated it because it was moot. The election is over. And the lower circuit said those votes had to be counted.

Hard to imagine a judge would order votes voided for an irrelevant date or other error.


The SC didn’t consider the case. They ruled it moot. They did not say those votes should NOT be counted. How is this even a story?

They aren’t even doing that. They are ruling it moot, which means the whole case is pointless now. Therefore, state law controls the election again until another case is brought.

Fun fact:

Many states have laws on the books that say no early votes, or mail in ballots can be counted until the polls close on election day. That’s what causes the delays.

Yea pointless😳 let them do it again then sue again. Ground hog day. SC in many cases I believe are wusses. Make a decision that is what you are paid to do. Anyone believe they don’t already know the results if the votes were not counted? My guess it wouldn’t change the out come. Should they allow it to happen until it does?

It irritates me they accept to hear something and do nothing and just pass the buck.

Which I believe is a stupid law also. But understand why it is done. They need to make the punishment for leaks very harsh to help prevent it.

well, by “counting”…. till democrats “win”

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paper only ballots in person one day the end