North Carolina Republicans Are the Heroes We Need

There are a lot more POEs around here than him.

That post is from last year.

Typical con’s, can’t win honestly.

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Republican Party is now incapable of perceiving wrong from right. It is the primary bastion of moral relativism.

It is logical to assume that those who continue to support it are made of the same cloth.

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It beggars belief that there are some who open gloat about the complete prostitution of principles that should be the very foundation of legislature processes.

Now, that’s comedy… I’m so happy reps have grown a pair …

Because aussies went sheeple even the bird are picking on them, now!

The polls were close but didn’t predict a clear advantage for any of the candidates.
NC 9th was won by both Romney and Trump by 12 points.
Bishop won by 2 points. That should make the RNC very nervous.

I presume you know what you are talking about. That makes one.

“Oh, Govt please protect me form the monster magpie. You took my guns and now I’m a victim. I sure hope China does not invade. Few know how to shoot anymore…lol!”…

You would be in very serious trouble if you shot a maggie.

Interesting story as lead article in the link that the OP provided:

In a surprise move Wednesday morning, the N.C. House of Representatives voted to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of the state budget with just over half of the 120 members present to vote.

The Democrats were told that no vote would be taken during the morning session. This is pretty low.

I bet CNN told them that…

When you quote and agree with a POE, it might be time to reevaluate the partisan frothing at the mouth.

POE No clue…?

They like to pretend I’m not for real because they can never refute my arguments. So instead they just say Poe and keep losing. It would be sad if it weren’t so transparent.

What argument?

When one msm bubble contains breathable air and the rest are fart-bombs, it’s really hard to spend much time visiting the fake news bubbles longer than one can hold one’s breath and block one’s nose.

This is so dirty. I guess that Trumpsters on this board are totally fine with this :slight_smile:

I refuted. It was a hold. Not a great victory like when pelosi took over the house from darth Ryan.
