Noem and lewandowski affair

Maybe only straights should be able to mock the “sanctity of marriage” through their actions. :wink:

Yeah, that’s probably it. God is on board with that, right?

And so are abortion, LGBTQ issues, etc.

TBH, I wouldn’t care at all, except for the fact that she loves talking about her God, and legislating around her God- but does she walk the walk? NAH. Another phony.

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Actually we are all mocking conz change of position. :wink:

Who said anything about love?


The way she pontificates on family values and sanctity of marriage, perverted and hollow. A big fat lie.

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I really like how that sounds. We should start applying that to everything politicians do.

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Nope, not as long as they keep insisting that their god gets to tell everyone else what to do.

Now I know why she strongly endorsed Donald a few days ago. Both are vow breakers and she wants to learn from the master of cheating spouse.

What a great pair for 2024. Trump/noem - make extra marital affair cool again.


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“ Now, this matter is between me, the two people I love most – my wife and our daughter – and our God”

—bill clinton

From 2021 , that’s how long they’ve been carrying on.

Now help me out - did the majority in Congress at the time agree with mr. Clinton that this was a private matter and leave it alone ?

At least the Speaker who led the efforts was/is an impeccable family values practitioner who would never as much as give a thought to committing adultery, eh ? :wink:


Fruitcake leftist, drooling lie. Demo-Scum

everyone then and since said that was his business and everyone should “move on dot org” from bubba committing object insertion sodomy with an intern with his young daughter down the hall

so when any democrat or leftist or deranged trump hater has the nerve to bring up such affairs i remind them they are raging hypocrites, and i dismiss their silly fake little protestations as a part of the noise that defines their existence. : )

The hypocrite in this case is Kristi. She preaches family values and marriage. Then while standing on her high horse, commits adultery.

That’s the issue here. Had she not been so preachy about family values… this wouldn’t be such A big deal.

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Conservatives love to judge others but give a pass to their own sins.

This info came from the right, same as when it first came out 2 years ago. Because what Maga has brought you, is factions of Republicans who hate each other with the heat of a thousand white suns.

This obviously came from the DeSantis trolls.

Everyone! So he was never investigated and ultimately impeached due to this ?

Another preachy and judgy conservative caught doing the naughty in public. Boebert was kicked out of a show for vaping and disruption. She was also making out with her date who is not her husband.

Oh my.

She’s separated from her husband, I think.