No primary challengers? GOP is shameful

You do help to influence decisions by withohlding full support for trump.

You honestly think obama and clinton lie as much as trump? You think they dishonor the office as much as trump?

Trump embodies everything about of modern conservatism …

Anyone else would be a lesser version of modern conservatism…

Then why do you support him?

Thank you for your concern. Your opinion is noted.

The GOP/conservatives are Trump; Trump is contemporary American conservatism and the GOP.

No rebranding. No Trump who? No He was a liberal! No I never supported him or voted form him.

They can wear him around their collective necks like a flaming tire indefinitely.


Because Trump expose just how radical libs have become.

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I asked once, but will ask again - what position do I hold that you think is radical?

The nomination for Trump is a lock.

So you’re looking for a politician to waste time and money on a primary challenger because principles?

Good luck waiting for that.

Libs are authoritarians…nothing about them are moderate.

Not everyone loves Trump or even likes him that voted for him. There is a list of reasons he won the election and could be reelected that has been staring right in the face of the democratic party since way before 2016 that they either refuse to address or could care less.

  • Get a handle on the borders, border security and who as well as how many people that come into America is important to the majority of the population.

  • Stop with the PC/intersectionality/identity politics crap that feeds Trump.

  • Quit labeling everyone who disagrees with you (not personally you) a racist or bigot.

  • The democrats were the party of the working man, they lost them because they felt the left could care less about them as they morphed into a boutique coastal party. Sanders speaks their language more than Biden.

Has Trump delivered on the wall? Or his promise to crack down on illegal immigration as well as importing in H1B workers to replace Americans? Nope, but his base also knows he is not a king and will need the backing of congress and the senate. They also know the democrats could care less about the issue. Furthermore they know that no other republican would be able to beat a democratic candidate other than Trump.

I saw a few networks and democratic politicians after the election reflect on how they didn’t see it coming, and started talking about how they neglected the working class for over the years, this lasted a few weeks and then they just doubled down on the things that got them beat by a clown.


It’s Trump’s party, and he’ll lie if he wants to, whine if he wants to, cry if he wants to…you would whine too if no one with a political career to risk is going to challenge you in a primary toooo…

(Doesn’t have the same cadence as Leslie Gore’s version but it serves)


There is nothing true about what you just said.

A completely rational reason to elect someone who doesn’t represent you…

Says the guy who cheers the idea of a deportation force roaming the country and asking brown skinned people for their papers in order to ensure they are “real Muricans”.

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GOP should change its name to Trump Party. No spines.

As long as it’s their guy doing the repressing, they’re okay with it. You know: tO oWn ThE LiBzzz…

I’m pretty conservative myself, but I just can’t vote for these people in the republican party.

I already did. It was in the post you quoted:

Hope that helps!

So then you can’t answer the question.

Got it.

Most of the stuff you call lies are just a matter of libs disagreeing with what he sad.