No platform for the GOP in 2020

The platform is:

“Orange Man Good”

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Incredible isn’t it? They alternately accused him of being senile and the evil mastermind behind every problem. I guess they figure he is the most recent Republican President that many weren’t around to remember what it was like.

I guess the Republican party is just a big tent and the Democrat party enforces ideological purity.

Ya think.


Someone is an eternal optimist.

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War crimes, was going to start WWIII, senile, dangerous, racist, yep.

Sure, which is not to say anyone with common sense doesn’t know it was just an oversight and doesn’t mean anything.

The Biden-supporting Democratic Party has ideological ranges from George Will, Bill Kristol, Rick Wilson, George Conway, Colin Powell, and Steve Schmidt all of the way to Bernie Sanders and AOC.

Yeah, the GOP under Trump is definitely the “big tent” party. :+1:


Most on the left didn’t like Reagan. But most in the middle did like Reagan. That was the main reason why Reagan won in a massive landslide in his re-election bid back in 1984.


And of course no independents voted for Trump?

So George Will and Bernie Sanders both agree to the same political agenda? I don’t know whether that tells us more about George Will, Bernie Sanders or the meaninglessness of political platforms. I suspect the latter.

Is the difference then that there are just way more liberals in the country today than there were in the 1980s ?

There won’t be a popular vote landslide.

There could be an Electoral College landslide in Biden’s favor.

If Trump was to win in 2020, it would almost certainly be a repeat of 2016, losing the popular vote but taking the electoral vote.

If Biden wins, he will take the popular vote by varying degrees and the Electoral College could be anywhere from close to a landslide.

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Trump landslide would be winning EC while losing the popular vote by less than 3 million

It tells us of the breadth of ideological differences in one party, and the complete lack of ideology in the other party. One is showing up as an encompassing group of Americans that have decided to place the good of the nation ahead of their partisan differences, and the other is showing that they have nothing to offer other than grievance politics, victimization, and a cult-like, slavish devotion to a single man. The choice could not be any starker.

Independents voted for Trump, but Reagan got a higher percentage of votes from Independents than Trump.

1980 Reagan - 56%
1984 Reagan - 64%
2016 Trump – 48%

Really? In Kenosha a man was shot. Already riots have begun. Now here we have a Chicago Mayor commenting negatively on the airwaves. While this was going on in Kenosha, in her own city…66 people were shot, 7 killed…one of those shot was a 12 year old boy. Why is she commenting at all? All she is doing is pouring gas on the fire and fanning the flames…PERIOD. She has problems that she’s not dealing with and should keep her big ■■■■■■■ mouth closed until she has her own ■■■■ together. Agreed? All of us should be united against this kind of useless, violent inducing rhetoric by turd politicians and being spread by the divisive media.

Hmm, I thought there were more of them today?

That’s what I am asking.

Don’t worry, Democrats are going to address the problems behind all the riots and lootings…spoiled leftists not getting everything they want when they want it.