No More Silly Election Memes!

i think you have your answer

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how is that meme depriving anyone their right to vote?

what was swindled?

when you upset the left, they will find something to justify using the cudgel of law and government to make you pay

like impeaching presidents for no credible reasons.


this Vaugn guy had a following on twitter. he was pro trump. stands to reason majority of his followers were too

yet the “MIT Media Lab” (haha gawd) ranked him above mr “putin’s ■■■■ holster” colbert as an influencer in the election

dont make silly joke vote memes if you are rated by the mit media lab as an “influencer” in the election. lol

this is so soviet it’s astounding

Was it a meme?

If they were that ■■■■■■■ dumb they don’t deserve to vote.


yes he is a comedian. remember?

I don’t think…I know. :wink:

Why…libs been swindling minorities as long as I can remember.

That could be a topic in and of itself. :wink:


Does same go for people who were swindled out of money?

They weren’t swindled out of anything.


Trump did it to the tune of $300+ million.

The attempt was enough…

This is no different than the robocalls that try to trick people into not voting, except with text messages.

The irony of y’all complaining people aren’t allowed to break election law is ■■■■■■■ fantastic. Keep it up. Trust the Plan.

^ Supports breaking election laws.

Libs going to lecture me about laws now?

Too funny…


Yea you’re right…Considering who Cons put in office 4 years ago, the lecture would fall on deaf ears, laws don’t matter as long as it makes Libs head explode right?

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Still mad?

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