Nguyễn Phú Trọng dies, the United States will have to tread carefully during what is likely to be a hotly contested succession

Probably no German Revolution and thus no Hitler.

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We have actually been doing that since 1995.

I made my first of many trips to Vietnam early that year, prior to normalization of relations. We have established extensive business interests in Vietnam and have done quite a bit of remedial work there, including establishing many schools. We also fund a program that helps clear land mines and other unexploded ordinance.

Bankers mighta lost money.

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What’s the US play here?

Pretty much nothing. Send the usual diplomatic delegation to the funeral. Then just stay quiet and let the succession battle play out.

After that, continue the successful relationship we have had with Vietnam since 1995.

Not really much we can or should do in regards to the succession.

Trọng died broken hearted because the skyline of Saigon was removed from the RNC webpage.