So it was more like the aftermath of a nuclear firestorm than the usual thing y’all deal with year to year? That’s the vibe I’ve been getting from the videos.
"I think the people of California — they’re willing to pay high taxes. They’re willing to support things that maybe they don’t necessarily agree with because there is a basic assumption that underlies it all, that our government is here to take care of us,"
Emphasis mine.
How many times, Karen, are you going to make me hit you before you learn? Go get the telephone book.
With the new contract approved, the budget for the fire department in Fiscal Year 2024 - 2025 increased from $819.6 million to $895.6 million. When compared to the previous year’s budget (Fiscal Year 2023 - 2024), this current year’s fire department budget in total is larger by $58.4 million. According to a document from the city administrative officer, the increase in this year’s budget was approved specifically to meet salary and benefit increases included in the new union contract.
“In May 2024, the city of Los Angeles adopted a Fiscal Year 2024 - 2025 budget that cut the appropriations for the fire department by $17.6 million from the previous year.“
i think where it says “cut” it means “cut”
the title of the article also indicates “cut”
a ballooning budget doesnt mean there wasnt a cut.
The federal government drives one third of California’s fiscal budget. The discussion for $Billions in federal aid to California right now is absurd. Why? What policy changes are being proposed? What changes can the US taxpayers expect to the California dumbassery that exasperated the situation allowing the wildfires to turn into Armageddon?
Our thoughts, prayers and private donations of course go out to the people of CA whose lives are devastated. But the oafs elected to lead California? There should be some changes.
With the new contract approved, the budget for the fire department in Fiscal Year 2024 - 2025 increased from $819.6 million to $895.6 million. When compared to the previous year’s budget (Fiscal Year 2023 - 2024), this current year’s fire department budget in total is larger by $58.4 million. According to a document from the city administrative officer, the increase in this year’s budget was approved specifically to meet salary and benefit increases included in the new union contract.
There’s talk of the federal goobermint funding California with $Billions in “rebuilding aid”.
All of a sudden the NC, GA and FL Hurricane victims are not part of the discussion?