New Zealand: "Our gun laws will change." Why them and not us?

That’s what our amendment process is for. The one they ignore and don’t use.

Sadly, you could be right. As hopelessly pathetic as the Millennials are, just think what their kids will be like when they gain control.

It was so patently nonsensical that I didn’t bother responding.

Yes; you must be pathetic if you think that it is reasonable that you should be able to go to school and not wonder if someone is going to come into your school and shoot you, your friends or the staff today.

How unreasonable must you be to have that expectation?

Certain men plucked some rights out of the ether. Apparently, those rights didn’t apply to all.

When I see those sorts of implications without foundation I WILL call out. I have no intentions to allow it be unchallenged.

Let’s face the fact you have a singular trouble when an Aussie stands up to you.

And I have no intention of playing your silly ass games. It bored me.

I reiterate I will call it out when I see it.

Eh not all of us are like that.

It’s the spoiled big university kids who give the rest of us millennials a bad name.

Those of us from working class backgrounds tend to be a little more mature and more introspective in our belief systems.

You shouldn’t equate behaviors with morality. You won’t like the results.

Which is entirely justified in such circumstances.

You are free to go to school or anywhere else and wonder whatever you like. The fact is, a student is orders of magnitude more likely to die in a traffic accident going to and from school than to be shot while attending school. But then living in fear is what keeps you sheep in line, isn’t it.

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Don’t flatter yourself. You haven’t posted anything of substance on this matter. To me your misguided opinions are entertainment.

Something in the order of 580,000 students were unable to attend school or college recently because of the potential of an 18 year old attempting to emulate the Columbine High School shooting.

Just in case you question the 580,000 students affected, that was the figure quoted on Fox News.

Australian kids and school staff do go to school each day with no expectation that there will be a gun shooting at their school. Also, Australians don’t need to debate whether teachers at schools need to be armed.

You are right. Many Millennials, particularly those of the working class, have their ■■■■ together, but like it or not, each generation is characterized by generalities and the generality attributed to Millennials is pretty pathetic.

Which is justified, looting or shooting looters?

Thanks for making my point once again. Exaggerated fear is what keeps the sheep in line.

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In which country were the 580,000 students domiciled?

It doesn’t matter. They stayed out of school because of fear generated by authorities who greatly exaggerated the danger to manipulate them. Sheep are sheep wherever they live.