New Zealand: "Our gun laws will change." Why them and not us?

I don’t need any help but thanks for your concern.

Just a salt of the earth American here. Both feet solidly on the ground.

I am intrigued You did ask for an explanation in your previous post.

Shoulder-width apart, weight even on each foot and slightly on the balls of your feet. Knees slightly flexed. Lean forward slightly at the waist. Relax your shoulders. Head up, both eyes open…


And you continue to contradict yourself.

The mid-term elections were not about gun control. And the pro-gun, pro-Constitution constituency is not dependent on the NRA. The fact is, more and more States have passed open carry and permitless carry over the last few years. The anti-gun marchers represent a small minority. And yes, they do advocate revoking the 2nd Amendment because that is the only way they can accomplish what they say they want.


Actually you do advocate revocation of the 2nd Amendment because that is the only way to accomplish what you want to do about guns.

That’s it. :smile:

Nope not in the least.

Looks like Australia needs to ban gasoline.

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