New splinter party- The Forward Party

Yang has no star power to draw any kind of significant percentage from either party though. Sort of like when Bob Barr became Libertarian for a while.

Like I was saying, you need a superstar like Trump or Bernie to do this to have any impact.

And Bernie is an ex-Soviet Communist.

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No, he’s an Vermont socialist with five mansions. But whatever he is, he’s got the pull that could actually propel a viable third party.

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This sounds like a Hillary name

witless is in the forward party.

i am out.

talk about clueless.


He should donate four of those to habitat for jumanity.

She’s also the former governor of NJ. Her state income tax cuts (10% per year for 3 years IIRC) caused property taxes to skyrocket and screwed over middle class and working class homeowners.

I’m skeptical about anything she is involved with.