New poll - vaccination breakdowns

Trump would screw it up.

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I think there is a correlation between lower numbers for vaccination in states like Miss, Louisiana, etc and higher minority populations. Even in what are deemed Trump counties in the South there are often high (not majority high) but high minority populations. I think those on my side who are screaming Trump supporters are ignoring that. Some of it signaling, some of it is failing to understand that some minorities are afraid of anything the government tells them and for good reason, and some are just being political about it. Itā€™s wrong.

I also think polling is a piss poor way to confirm vaccination rates. And I am all for polling.


So let him.

That is why the censor is so stupid. It begets mistrust.


The Taliban is not censored but an expresident is? :man_shrugging:

Kind of shows how extreme those running things like FB and Twitter are.


Look at the numbers.

This is important.

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It is an absurd joke.

Time for it to end.

It is about forcing silenceā€¦not Trump.

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538 ranks nbc polls as a b+

Therefore I must disagree with you on the accuracy of their polls.


Authoritarianism run amuck imo.

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Rural and urban

City dwellers getting it.

Country folk are not.


Reporting that 76% of black adults are vaccinated when the sample includes only 130 black people (+/- 9) is stupid, particularly when you know that number is way inflated over the actual, which is based on the actual data and not a poll.

Same deal with Latinos.

Donā€™t trust any reporter from any outfit to ever ever ever report on a study and get this stuff right!*

*The Economist and ProPublica actually hire quants and are notable exclusions

Iā€™ve said all along, Biden should appoint Trump as his vaccination tsar putting him out front in the campaign to vaccinate the political hold outs.

Very, very strange. Here in Dallas, activists claimed that the injection site was a sea of white faces. On the days I was there, that is exactly what it was. An additional site was open later, nearby, to serve people from zip codes that were largely black or Hispanic in the hopes to increase the numbers of that race/ethnic group getting shots
Sorry, not buying that poll as reflecting reality. Show figures based on people who actually got shots, not some poll of what people said they did.

great idea!!

Ok. So this shows CDC data based on who actually has gotten vaccinated and NBC shows some poll that they knew did not represent reality. And yet those who have some need to believe this lie will do so.

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lol, that poll is a complete piece of trash.


Wrong on blacks. About 40-50%

You could have 100% masking & shots, covid will still be with us for the next 20 years or more.

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but 1,000 americans a day wouldā€™t be dying and we wouldnā€™t have to cancel other procedures because our hospitals are over run.

I donā€™t believe that. Israel has a 90% vaccination rate both shots. They are having a huge surge in infections.