New Orleans Terrorist Attack

Greatest threat to democracy.


Seeing reports that the hydraulic barriers on bourbon st weren’t up. Deterrents like those are only helpful if you use them.

Ah, yes, the failed DEI former Chief of Oakland California’s Police. These Blue cities do so pass their failures around.


It doesn’t seem like he wanted to be an American.


A very violent way to say “return to sender”

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Oh good grief!

Oakland is one of the last places i would hire a police chief from.


You mean they couldn’t find one guy to promote inside the precinct that, I don’t know, actually grew up in the New Orleans area?


FBI and local PD is now searching the home of the attacker in North Houston. Just saw a live report from outside the home.

I know it’s kind of immaterial, but I wonder what his army record was like. Did he have any disciplinary problems?

I’m also kind of wondering how long he has been a Muslim. Did he convert before his army service or while he was in or was it more recent than that?


When I saw her picture I immediately thought “I’ve had my experiences with the NOPD and one thing I noticed, they are overwhelmingly black.”

You mean they couldn’t find a Javeon to promote? I call rall racism.

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You can’t allow those who hate your guts and want to dominate you into your country. Call me a phobe…yes he was born here. Many terror attacks all over the west have come from 2nd generation, born in the country. The imported ideas is dangerous and can be nation ending. The west is on a suicide march for the sake of “Diversity”. Diversity for the sake of diversity is insane.

Keep inviting death and destruction into your countries, keep getting it.

So Muslim ban?

I figured this is where the conversation would start to go.

OK, just keep doing it. Look at the UK. Soon it will be either Sharia or civil war. Might be some other European countries soon as well.

So, whatever, you can label me whatever, the left won’t wake up till they themselves are doomed.

Facts are facts. This has a HUGE track record. I don’t understand the suicidal tendencies of the left, the gang rapes, murders, and all the other cultural enrichment going on in mass in the UK and Europe is a direct result of INSANE immigration policies from stupid people in charge there. It’s coming here if we don’t get wise. FYI: The left is unwise.

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Indeed…but their cult leader, I mean POTUS elect, stated

“When I said that the criminals coming in are far worse than the criminals we have in our country, that statement was constantly refuted by Democrats and the Fake News Media, but it turned out to be true.

Ignoring the fact the scum that did this was a US Citizen.

Is he trolling?

Yes he was born here. Gotmethere, but the thinking was imported.

Please stop letting your perception of the UK be molded by social media. You are more intelligent than this.

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Well this something that will happen at times because the only other option to shred the 1st amendment.

Yeah… the statistics are what they are.