Nevada debate thread

I missed when they all tumbled out of the Clown Csr.

Batteriesā€¦500,000 charging stations.

Okā€¦whatā€™s the plan to generate all that electricity, Joe?

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My takeaway too. Bloomberg got annihilated tonight.

Yep. I think he will pull off the nomination.

Sanders got super worked up by Buttigieg too

Weā€™ll see if this translates into votes in the upcoming primaries.

Its almost like money canā€™t buy you everything.

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Think thereā€™s a better than average chance this goes to a brokered convention.

It would be interesting to see Pete debate Trump

could Trump stop himself from making a homophobic joke during it,

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After Bloombergā€™s performance tonight i donā€™t think so. I think ot will be Pete and Bernie for a long time.

Polls havenā€™t been really accurate so far for IA and NH in terms of the size of the 1st place leader

Well if he will make fun of someone whose disabled

Bloomberg definitely doesnā€™t know how to hit back sitting up their like a punching bag.

What I believe we all learn by following politics is just how mediocre all these people are. Their nothing special.

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He doesnā€™t even know how to speak in an inspiring/engaging way

Watching someone that can speak English debate someone that speaks gibberish would be entertaining.


South Carolina will tell the tale.

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How is Klobochur doing? She supposedly came in third because she had an impressive debate in New Hampshire.

Mike Bloomberg: exists

Elizabeth Warren:



Sheā€™s been meh tonight as far as Iā€™m concerned.

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