Nanvy Pelosi shoves a young girl

Yeah but, he has money (and probably booze). :wink:


I’m sure Nancy was just concerned that when she can’t control her wildly gesticulating arm she might have accidentally elbowed the little girl in the face. :rofl:

I’m sure it was just a safety thing :laughing:

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Her ice cream arm.




Clearly an assassination attempt.

That’s what the fake news would have called it, If Trump had done it…


That’s what Rudy called it when it happened to him but blame fake news – it’s been the goto debate point since Trump.

should she have shoved the little girl aside like that?


Now what?

now, why should you defend it by resorting to Rudy freakin Guliani?

Because the “shove” of a little girl is almost as much of a nothingburder as Rudy’s assassination claim. Almost.

rudy’s an adult. so is his screwball assailant

in the democrat case, an innocent little girl was shoved aside

no difference?

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“Shoved aside”

Sounds accurate. Pushed her right out of the room and locked her in a closet. Where’s that duck meme people love to use here?

Definitely booze.


“Shoved” is a bit much, but the overall effect was pure disdain. I admire Pelosi, but she let me down here.

Big difference.

One was called an assassination attempt. The other a shove.

And you want to worry about the shove?

Both nothing burgers imho. She didn’t injure the kid, not a surprise she isn’t polite, seeing as how she’s a denture sucking alcoholic. Rudy, also a drunk, so no surprise he pretended a tap on the back was midway. Both clowns.

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Good description. Pure disdain.

She should do herself and all of us a favor and retire.

Her work is done.

she has a queen complex like all leftists in govt do thats why they are there. both her and her corrupt alcoholic husband should stop insider trading too

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…once Paul’s charges are dropped. :wink: