NANCY DIGS IN: Pelosi Says Tearing-Up Trump’s Speech ‘Was the Courteous Thing to Do’

Originally published at: NANCY DIGS IN: Pelosi Says Tearing-Up Trump’s Speech ‘Was the Courteous Thing to Do’ | Sean Hannity

Nancy Pelosi defended her decision to abruptly tear President Trump’s speech in half following the State of the Union Address Tuesday night; bizarrely calling her actions the “courteous thing to do.”

“Why did you rip the speech up Madam Speaker?” asked one reporter as Pelosi exited the annual event.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on why she ripped up President Trump’s speech: “Because it was the courteous thing to do considering the alternatives.”

— Jason Donner (@jason_donner) February 5, 2020

“Because it was the courteous thing to do considering the alternatives,” said Pelosi.

Watch Pelosi’s comments above.

One thing we’ve never been able to accuse Nancy of is being courteous. What we saw is her “mask” slip, we’re seeing what Nancy truly feels about our historical documents, civility and general procedures of the house. She has little respect for herself, her office or the office of the President. Trump gave her the benefit of the doubt when it was announced she would be the Speaker of the House, he supported her and gave her every opportunity to do the right thing. Instead, just as she voted to ram Obamacare tax down the throats of the American people, she attempted to appoint a new President and again force the American people to bend to her will. That she ripped up a historical document and spit on the American people and everything we built is just more of the same.