My edit icon is gone?

Yes, no edit button.

same here.

No kidding, please get this fixed.

We’ve been waiting for years to regain the ability to edit our posts.

Adding my vote.


fooled you all…

This is “the bad place” that political junkies go. Eternal place of NO EDITING!


My thoughts exactly. I type faster than I can proofread and sometimes you just have to look at it on the board before deciding if things look right.

Test. 1234

Pass 56789

mine is still gone too.

Hey there is one improvement. At least I see a delete Icon if you expand the — by reply.

Not that I’m suggest this as a fix for the missing edit button, but if you click the monitor icon, top right, it gives you a preview.

Any fix yet for the edit ability?

Because i make lots and lots of typo’s

We are working on it.

Test post.

Sheesh you people are impatient. GW and Talk2 are working on it. Trust me, you don’t want me working on the problem :skull_and_crossbones:

I don’t think I can trust you using any of my tools without hurting yourself. :sunglasses:

I agree, give them time.

… Is it done yet?




How did you do that skull?

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