Musk's peace plan

Elon Musk put out a proposal for peace in Ukraine:

The response from Kyiv was immediate:

“■■■■ off is my very diplomatic reply,” tweeted Ukrainian diplomat Andrij Melnyk.
Elon Musk's peace proposal to end Russia-Ukraine war sparks outrage

Meanwhile the threat of nuclear war is arguably higher than any time since the 1963 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Is it in the interest of the American people to risk nuclear annihilation to prevent Russian areas of Ukraine from deciding their own future?

■■■■ off was the correct response.

The great diplomat Elon Musk

By the way i love how ukraine is supposed to negotiate or there will be a mushroom cloud


So you would rather fry than have internationally supervised elections?

I thought the war was about protecting freedom and democracy.

I would rather Russia just leave the territories they invaded and those who feel like they really are part of Russia can go to Russia. They have plenty of space. Just a thought.

Putin can end this war any time he wants.

Are you willing to have nuclear war do that?

the vote to determine ukraine independence took place in 1991. all regions including the ones russia is attempting to steal voted to leave russia.

done deal.

borders are not determined by plebecite and should deffinitely not be determined by nuclear blackmail.



Surrender while you’re winning handily. He’s as great a foreign policy expert as he is an immunologist.


So negotiate or there will be a nuclear explosion?

I don’t think that’s called negotiation.

There will not be a nuclear war.



The two territories that just happen to have more gas and oil than Saudi Arabia.

This is absolutely a war for fossil fuels. Blood for oil, as it were. :wink:


No no no, I’m sure Putin would face no domestic consequences for nuking his country’s breadbasket and irradiating his own nation.

A diehard Russian nationalist is definitely also going to destroy his thousand year old civilization he loves for spite.


Yes, and Kosovo was universally recognized as part of Yugoslavia/Serbia.

NATO attacked Serbia and then recognized Kosovo independence based on elections similar to what Musk is proposing.

A nuclear war between NATO in Russia could kill billions. Is it worth that to make sure that Russians in Ukraine are denied the rights that NATO gave to Albanians in Serbia?

Why do we listen to Musk about anything? Except venture capital and mining I guess? He’s not even an expert in the stuff he pretends he invented. They let him design one thing on his own and it’s a car that looks like an eight year old drew it and then built it out of SNES graphics.


All logical points, but also, Russia doesn’t have the technology required to start a nuclear fight with us. Those missiles would never leave their own soil.

■■■■ Russia, ■■■■ Serbia, ■■■■ russian propaganda

here’s a peace plan


Perhaps because the “diplomats” in Washington are acting incredibly stupid and are doing their best to provoke WW3.

Celebrating the benefits of the destruction of a Russian pipeline in NATO-controlled waters is hardly a peace initiative.

Neither is hosting a federally funded conference in Washinton on ways to partition Russia.

This is all on Putin.

He chose this war… he can choose to stop at anytime.

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Perhaps because you’ve been pro-Russia through this whole thing and now that they’re losing to a vassal state, one of the most embarrassing military defeats in the history of nation-states, you see peace and UN supervised elections where you didn’t before.


Okay, you would rather turn the world into a radioactive crater than allow Russians the same rights as Albanians.