Mueller Warns of Active Russian Meddling

Isn’t that your paper of record?

We shall see.

I " misspoke ", the plea was not thrown out, but the chances it would be was high. But after Judge Contreras recused himself ( conflict of interest? ), [quote]Judge Sullivan raised eyebrows when he ordered prosecutors to give Flynn’s lawyers “any evidence in its possession that is favorable” to Flynn.[/quote] No idea what is going on, but sense then, nothing.

That the judge threw out the flynn case? That’s completely made up.

Ok. You keep misspeaking in a very focused way towards changing facts to fit a busted narrative that is completely made up.

Flynn is cooperating with the government. The judge did not “throw it out”. The reason someone making up nonsense would say they “threw it out” is because of some wack ass Q-anon conspiracy where “The FBI said he did not lie” Which is absolute nonsense. The man pleaded guilty to perjury for cripessakes.

The man was going financially belly up at an alarming pace, fer cripesakes! If you think you are right, where is the case?

trump is making himself look dirty. Thanks for pointing that out. He doesnt need any help.

I think the issue is trump taking Putins word over the United States Justice Department.

And they aint so bat ■■■■ crazy against him no more!

I just want to say, I agree with Rand Paul about POTUS, “It’s gotten so ridiculous that someone has to stand up and say we should try to engage even our adversaries and open up our lines of communication,” the Kentucky senator said in the wake of Trump’s talks with Putin."

Sit on it haters! (Bosun’s comment)

  1. you can disagree with what Trump did
  2. you can disagree with how he did it
  3. you can hate everything about the summit
  4. calling it treasonous discredits all your criticism

Today in world leader news other than Putin…

Thank you President Trump for making this possible between North and South Korea.

The rest of the world understand you are also about global peace and harmony.S Korea,

DPRK completely restore military hotline in the western region, allowing the military authorities of the two sides to communicate by phone or fax, Seoul’s defense ministry said Tuesday.

How long have you been a follower of People’s Day, China? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not long, first time actually. So you claim it is not true that DPRK and South Korean have openned up full communication? Do you propose bombing DPRK and sending hit squads to assassinate Kim Dung Il?

Go ride your blue wave, Blue Tex. Watch out for the sharks. Obamanation did ■■■■ in diplomacy.

As much as it is yours.

No, it doesn’t. He sided with Putin against our intelligence agencies. Suck on that.

Not me Bro;-). You sound like a huffpo agenda promotor

Fact, fiction, or Trump Derangement Syndrome?

Sound like? You’re making some weak assumptions to keep up a dumb argument. I rarely read HuffPo. I’m more a NYT/WashPost person since I have subscriptions to both. Maybe I’ll have to look at HuffPo once in a while to keep up my liberal stereotype. :slight_smile:


Putin's poodle: Trump sells out U.S. intelligence agencies with the world watching – New York Daily Newspoodle1~yes-art~curated~curatedpage