Most important thread you will ever read

Poor Billy Taft- stood in the shadow of Teddy R and hated his term in office. Heres to waxing that 'stache up tho Billy.

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He did get to live his dream later on though. Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court.

Only individual to be the “guy in charge” of two different branches of the federal government during his life.

For those who are deeply delving into this insanely important topic, somebody actually created a wikipedia page for it because…of course!

And now I am realizing that John Quincy Adams is cleaning up with his Amish look.


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Now there is a thing called “way too ridiculous” when it comes to a mustache.

Kaiser Wilhelm II comes to mind immediately. Dude probably spent two hours a day styling that ‘stache.

Look at that chin booty!

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I still think Ambrose Burnside took it to the place it needed to go.

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Too bad he was always drunk and trying to sleep with his officer’s wives.

The rotating doors of Union generalship were a complete mess early in the war.

I wonder how different it would have been had Grant or Sherman had command of the east at the beginning of the war.

Yeah Abe shoulda cut this guy real early on…nice whiskers tho…

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