Not quite. There weren’t anywhere near the number of FBI agents and co-horts there dressed as Trump supporters, instigating the violence those there were punished for as there was with J6.
None, because they weren’t breaking windows and heading for the speaker’s gallery where the first and second in the line of succession to the Presidency were waiting. Oh, and BTW, how was anyone to know whether or not she was armed? She was wearing a cape.
Use of force requires that an officer see the weapon and that the individual holding it be in the act of threatening, actually using it to the risk of the officer, or others. Shooting when you don’t know is like shooting at sound and motion while deer hunting. And law enforcement are trained in this. Go ahead and try to rationalize some more excuses now.
For the record, the effective range of an excuse is zero meters.
If one is breaking into a federal structure during a violent riot and one doesn’t think that there is a potential for deadly force to be used to repel that attack then that person is an idiot.
Just consider that those doors dividing the outer and inner chambers…were guarded by armed guards. No one else there was armed. They allowed the glass to be broken with they themselves standing right there. They then move 25 feet off to the side and allow the damage to continue, all while a piece of ■■■■ is off hiding to the side, not front and center and not letting anyone there know he’s there. He then runs up and shoots her at almost point blank range. Now…can you really find any justification in that or do you denounce it?
Breaking a window is not threatening with a weapon, There was no sound of gunfire coming from the hall way outside that room, That officer didn’t see bloodied and down individuals with that woman standing over them with a weapon in her hand, He panicked, when he was the one trained, and expected, to keep his head in the game, and just shot her.