was your’s delayed?
Plural seems to be OK… lol
No, my ass is spectacular.
Edit: This one needed approval.
replaced ass with Heinie…and
OK…lets try the other word that I had trouble with. I had to deal with this ■■■■■■■■■ in another post?
■■■■■■■■■■■■■ the plural of ■■■■■■■■ seemed to work.
This one needed approval. But if I typed ■■■■■■■■■■ It did not
It’s doing the blocking.
not really blocking but delaying.
I can live with the delay, but would hate to have y’all’s asses blocked.
Ok - looks like mine are getting delayed with curse words too now
I think it’s spelled hiney, no?
And I am in the same boat with you re: moderator/delay/approval. I just figured the filter sorts things out, but maybe we all need to clean up our acts.
Until further notice, cursing in posts will sit in the approval box until we get to them.
Well you need to bring your ass up to date.
My ass gets delayed all the time in Atlanta traffic
Oh wow…you’re going to have your hand full now.
I was using the German spelling?
Seriously, thanks for the feed back GW. I thought it was me…because I have been especially Belicose lately!
Posting in a thread which requires moderator approval?
Not that time. Oh well.