Mitch "Grim Reaper" McConnell

Harry Reid was such a swell guy, wasn’t he?

I disagree. I think all parties should be criticized for such behavior. You seem hung up on what liberals have done in the past and not the opportunity presented to you today.

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Bipartisanship was dead long before Mitch. You don’t remember Harry Reid?

So I’m supposed to call out my own side, yet liberals get a free pass. I still haven’t seen a liberal call out their own on here. Ever.

Why the different expectations for conservatives?

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Fair enough, but Mitch just continues to shovel dirt into the grave.

So Mitch is the bad guy for continuing what Harry Reid and Schumer have done. Got it.

How many Bush high court nominees were prevented from having hearings or coming to a vote?

If we want to compare apples to apples, let’s do so.

You should only call out Mitch if you disagree with his actions in the OP. I’m not advocating that anyone get a free pass for this behavior. I don’t have a different expectation for liberals or conservatives.

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Is this a new take on Republicans as the “party of personal responsibility”?

You’re supposed to at least pretend you cared about the same principles now that you did when “the other guy” was in office.

I mean, if a person doesn’t claim to be anything than a common partisan, then “butwhatabout” works just dandy. If a person actually stands on principle, then they shouldn’t have any problem calling out “their guy” even when they think “the other guy” isn’t being held to account by his supporters.

I’d add that it’s easy to get caught up in the immediate benefits of what McConnell is advocating, but then also even easier to lose sight of the long term effects of those same actions.

Then why doesn’t the OP ever call anyone else out? I’m simply pointing that out.

You’re deflecting, we know. Thanks for at least admitting it.

Instead of coming here to discuss the topic of the thread, you just want to discuss the OP instead.

This thread is about Mitch.

Guilty as charged. As stated previously, I lose sight of the bigger picture in hopes of short term victories. I’ll be better in the future.

I remember when Mitch fillibustered his own bill… Good times

Depends on the policy idea. By rights, socialist policy ideas should be DOA. That’s not what America is about.

Why not? If the intent is to improve the lives of Americans, shouldn’t there at least be a conversation?

Socialism is a failed system. Virtually every country that has tried it is now moving in the opposite direction. It is sad that there are many DEMs in this country who still haven’t gotten that message.

It’s really easy to label everything you disagree with “socialism” and dismiss it, harder to have an intelligent conversation about issues.


Actually I disagree on a great many things having nothing to do with socialism. Might be time for you to move along. :wink: