Mississippi welfare scandals and infrastructure incompetency

Well, like the rest of H&HH there’s no enumerated power for it. Honor the 10th and the crooks would have to find other monies to try to abscond with.

TANF is given as a block grant to the States to administer. This is honoring the 10th… and you can see how bad actors can strip the money away for their own use when they get to say how it is used.

There is still no enumerated power to block grant the funds.

How it is managed is immaterial.

TANF is a legal Federal program.

I see no way to use this topic to stick it to the libs. So I’m not.

There is no enumerated power for these appropriations.

It cannot is lawful.

But the government is lawless.

still owes Mississippi over 700,000. state auditor wants the money.
