Miracle saves the Great Salt Lake . . . Alarmist science foiled again

In February?

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They just had another massive snowstorm this week.

I;m thinking one big snow storm in the end of Feb is in teh "margin of error and at the time the “GASP! HELP HELP ADOPT MY POLITIBAL PLATFORM” Pseudo-science was announced a more proper announcement would ahve been
“The water in the lake is low but it is still February and one big snowstorm could change that.”

Of course the second differs from the first on that

  • It is true
  • It is accurate
  • It is scientifically proper
  • It does not grab headlines
  • It forgoes an opportunioty to make a poltical statment (which turns out to be scientifically unsupported bully-hoo.)

Lake Mead is likewise 3’ above what was projected.

That is a LOT of water.


It wasn’t one big storm though. It was a record setting snow year that just ended.

Feb 10
CNN Blasts out a scary scary article that the Great Salt lake is drying up. --Link 1
Article includes the scary scary quote

we know about heavy metals and how they’re bad for humans . . . We see a crisis that is imminent."


“It’s not like scientists to be dramatic,” Baxter laughed, but said there was no hesitation among the nearly three dozen scientists and conservationists who released the frightening report aimed directly at Utah legislators that said the lake was on track to vanish in five years.

Also Feb 10
@Orygun posts it here on Hannity – Link 2

March 1
UTAH Gov’t Nar. REs. Conservation Services publishes its regular annual report
noting in part

"We are now roughly one month from when Utah’s snowpack typically peaks,
and our conditions remain outstanding.
As noted in last month’s report, new records for snow water equivalent are being set at Utah’s SNOTEL sites.

:point_up: Note that this means sober. less gaspy scientists are saying in effedt
“Everything is fine. We have been saying for a month everything is fine. Whatever CNN wrote is a bunch of gaspy horse manure and they never once sought out the State authority on the topic for second opinion. 100% of the opinions they presented were on one side and that side had already been proven wrong when they wrote the article”

It continues like that for 64 pages --Link 3
Note especially that the CNN article reveals the “scientists” are actively lobbying the government to take anti-free market actions in the name of their already disproven “science.”

nearly three dozen scientists and conservationists who released the frightening report aimed directly at Utah legislators . . . released a report this week urging lawmakers to rewrite water law.
“We have to get more water to the lake,”





:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:great job!


It was drying up. It was at the lowest level ever, since they started keeping records.

When I get information form both sides

  • the sober scientists
  • the gaspy scientists who are alospolticla acitivists
    it becomes clear that the low water level was not likely to last a year and was mostly within the normal variation.

I have seen the kind of irrigation they are doing in Arizona.
I have no doubt THAT is unsustainable.
IF they are doing something similar in Utah, then it is also unsustainable.

For now however, it serves as yet another example of politically compromised pseudoscience.

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How? How does this become clear? They were in the middle of a multi year drought with no ability to predict the upcoming snow pack.

Normal variation: there is no way you can know that either, given 2022 was the lowest lake level ever recorded.

In addition, they didn’t start worrying about this when you first noticed the problem. They’ve been talking about it for a while.

This isn’t “psuedo science”, it’s the nature of unpredictability.

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Factually incorrect.
Demonstrably untrue.

On Mar 1 the Utah State Dept of Conservation Services having looked at the same snowfalls and said in effect 'Everything is fine. There is no problem this year. Just like we said last month everything is fine this year, we reiterate this month that everything is fine this year."

Use the link below.
Look at the first few pages. It says that right at the top

"We are now roughly one month from when Utah’s snowpack typically peaks,
and our conditions remain outstanding.


As noted in last month’s report, new records for snow water equivalent are being set at Utah’s SNOTEL sites.

contrary to your statement there was a way to predict it.
The less-gaspy scientists, predicted it.

It’s right there in black-and-white for all to see and for political hacks masquerading as scientists to ignore.




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Cool. Now find an article that tells me about the snow levels in 2024. Let’s say…February and March. You know, how much fell, how does it compare year over year, that kind of thing.

And again, this problem didn’t start when you noticed it. Its been a concern for a while, now.

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This sounds a lot like the ever changing date for climate destruction and the burning up of the Earth . When those scientists released that doom and gloom report the snow pack was already at higher levels than in decades. They knew the levels and they knew that when the melt began the lake levels would quickly rise. But rising lake levels don’t support the narrative or the political activism.


Asked and answered
the report you refuse to skim
the one the hackneyed psuedo scientists pretend does nto exist notes that this year’s snowfalls

  • not only prove that there is not problem this year
    -but are also higher than normal

You are moving the goalposts

You said
“with no ability to predict the upcoming snow pack.”

the Utah State authorities were looking at that exact information and said “there is enough snow this year. this year is not a problem.”

Their report cited another one by the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center, which the hackneyed psuedo scientists also pretend does not exist.

As I said before (are you going to ignore it again?)

"I have seen the kind of irrigation they are doing in Arizona.
I have no doubt THAT is unsustainable.
IF they are doing something similar in Utah, then it is also unsustainable.

For now however, it serves as yet another example of politically compromised pseudoscience.

You have to rely on a 40 year record snowfall to mitigate the effects of a multi year drought, to gain relief for a single year.

What happens if next year, the the state reverts to the record low snowfall of 2021? That cannot be predicted either, can it?

I don’t understand this irrational desire you have to write off science. Everybody knows the weather is unpredictable, but you are using that unpredictability to condemn the whole thing. It’s stupid.

I don’t have one.
I have a desire to point out that what scientists claim as settled science is speckled, Some is settled science, some is political tripe being passed off by morally-flawed people.

Ever heard that “Talcum powder is safe?”

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It wasn’t unpredictable, it was observable. He has shown above. They said it was plenty of snow pack to not panic.


Oh, I meant to adress your concern on sustainability: Utah is the second driest state and second largest consumer of water. They are a desert and green lawns are everywhere. So yes: effective water management definitely needs to be deployed.

As far as this goes: I just don’t agree with your characterization of the science. So I’ll agree to disagree.

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Sounds right. I’ve seen Arizona. sooner or later there will be visually obvious results to the poor practices there.

It is easy to imagine that Utah, if they are doing the same also . . . sooner or later
. . . will have visually obvious problems.

Where we disagree is on what to make of this instance of scientific claptrap.

Have a good night

No, it’s just constantly changing due to new facts being discovered.